Bisa dikatakan setiap orang pasti mengenal akan buah pisang, selain rasanya yang enak, juga banyak mengandung vitamin yang bermanfaat bagi tubuh. Tetapi tanaman ini tidak hanya buahnya yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh manusia, mulai dari daunnya pun sangat berguna, selain itu pohon pisang sendiri juga sangat bermanfaat untuk kita yaitu dapat membantu menyuburkan rambut. Caranya adalah:
1 bonggol pisang
Sejak dulu, masyarakat sering menggunakan cairan bonggol pisang yang sifatnya mendinginkan untuk menyuburkan rambut.
Pohon pisang yang ditebang, dibuat lubang di bonggolnya. Setelah itu dibiarkan semalaman, dari situ akan terkumpul sejumlah air di bonggol tersebut. Gunakan airnya untuk keramas dan tidak perlu menggunakan sampo setelah air bonggol pisang tadi kering, kepala sambil di pijat-pijat.
Ramuan untuk menyuburkan rambut ini juga dapat dipakai bila anda merasa rambut sedikit dan ingin tumbuh banyak dan lebat. (disadur dari beberapa sumber).

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Posted by Ayu Chan at 6:08 PM 0 comments
Resep cantik ini berisi cara merawat rambut (hair) anda, kalau rambut ingin tumbuh dengan subur, maka cara merawatnya adalah sebagai berikut: ambil tanaman lidah buaya. Cara mengerjakannya: daun lidah buaya kita kupas kulitnya yang hijau. Lendir dalamnya kita ambil dan oleskan pada dasar kepala tempat tumbuhnya rambut. Mengoleskannya sambil ditekan-tekan, agar lendir tersebut dapat meresap pada pori-pori kepala tempat tumbuhnya rambut. Setelah itu, kepala dibungkus dengan handuk, biarkan beberapa saat. Lalu keramas dengan air dingin sampai bersih. Ulangi beberapa kali pekerjaan ini, hasilnya bisa dibuktikan.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 6:07 PM 0 comments
Kelapa memang tidak asing dalam kehidupan kita, karena banyak sekali manfaat yang dapat di ambil dari kelapa, mulai dari pohon, daun, dan buahnya. Salah satu khasiat dari buah kelapa adalah untuk melawan ketombe yang sering menyerang rambut kita baik pria maupun wanita. Adapun cara menggunakannya adalah:
1 buah kelapa yang tua
Buah kelapa tua yang mengandung lemak, karbohidrat, protein, vitamin B, dan C diketahui dapat membantu menghilangkan ketombe yang diakibatkan oleh kekurangan vitamin. Selain itu, santan ini juga dapat melemaskan rambut hingga mudah disisir.
Kelapa diparut llau diberi air secukupnya dan diperas hingga keluar santannya. Santan lalu dimasak sampai keluar minyaknya dan minyak berpisah dengan endapannya. Saring dan ambil minyaknya. Minyak kelapa ini setelah dingin di oleskan ke kulit kepala dan diamkan 1 jam. Setelah itu, keramas rambut dengan sampo.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 6:07 PM 0 comments
Biasanya kita mengenal kangkung hanya untuk sayuran doang….yang disajikan dengan cara ditumis, sebagai pelengkap pecel, juga sebagai temen sambal atau plecing untuk orang Lombok.
Ternyata kangkung juga mempunyai manfaaat untuk mengatasi ketombe yang membandel dan bikin gatal kulit kepala kita. Getah kangkung adalah obat mujarab untuk pembasmi penyakit rambut tersebut.
Caranya adalah: petik pohon kangkung yang masih segar atau beli saja yang tersedia di pasar, tapi harus yang masih segar dan masih banyak getahnya. Masukkan ke dalam baskom yang sudah diisi dengan air. Setelah banyak, anda simpan hingga besok pagi. Air yang sudah bercampur dengan getah kangkung, anda gunakan untuk mencuci rambut yang berketombe hingga rata. Biarkan beberapa waktu, hingga getah kangkung menyerap pada pori-pori kulit kepala. Setelah melakukan ini, barulah di bilas atau dicuci dengan air yang bersih. Lakukan berulang serta hasilnya tentu memuaskan. (disadur dari beberapa sumber).
Posted by Ayu Chan at 6:06 PM 0 comments
Selama ini kita mengenal daun pandan hanya untuk pewangi dalam pembuatan makanan dan kue-kue, ternyata daun pandan punya khasiat lain lho….yaitu dapat menghilangkan ketombe yang menyerang rambut kita.
Adapun caranya adalah: ambil 10 lembar daun pandan. Tumbuk sampai halus dan beri air 2 gelas, lalu saring. Ramuan ini kemudian dioleskan di bagian-bagian kepala yang yang berketombe. Diamkan sebentar, sekitar 15 menit, baru dicuci dengan air bersih. Kalau kita rajin melakukannya, maka hasilnya segera terbukti.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 6:05 PM 0 comments
Dandruff Treatment
Rambut adalah mahkota bagi wanita, untuk itu harus dirawat dengan baik, seperti juga kita menjaga tubuh. Banyak wanita mengalami masalah pada rambutnya diantara masalah yang paling menyebalkan dan mengganggu adalah ketombe.
Ketombe bisa kita cegah dan juga diatasi lhooo, selain dengan shampoo kita juga dapat memanfaatkan tanaman-tanaman di sekitar yang ternyata banyak khasiatnya tuk menghilangkan ketombe itu.
1 genggam merang atau rice straw
Padi yang mengandung protein, lemak, kalsium, fosfor, zat besi dan vitamin B1, merangnya sejak dulu digunakan sebagai obat keramas dan dapt menghilangkan ketombe dan perawatan kulit kepala.
Merang dibakar lalu direndam dalam 1 liter air, embunkan rendaman ini semalam suntuk, saring dan gunakan pada pagi hari untuk keramas, tidak perlu menggunakan sampo lagi.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 6:04 PM 0 comments
Wajah mulus Berseri-seri
5 kuntum bunga kenanga
5 jari rimpang temugiring
1 buah kulit jeruk purut
Temugiring yang banyak digunakan untuk bahan kosmetik berkhasiat mengahaluskan kulit, sedangkan kulit jeruk purut berkhasiat membersihkan kulit dan berdampak pada kehalusan kulit.
Cara Membuat:
Cuci bersih semua bahan. Lalu semua bahan ditumbuk hingga halus. Peras dan saring. Airnya oleskan pada wajah dan biarkan selama beberapa waktu. Lakukan hal ini secara rutin untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 6:03 PM 0 comments
Say Goodbye to your Love Handles
It is an unfortunate fact of life that as we age, fat seems to make itself at home in our bodies. One of its favorite places to reside is in the area of the waist just above our hips, called the love handle region. But what is to love, exactly? Those additional rolls of fat are the guilty culprits in making many articles of clothing fit a little snugger, and in keeping many of us from showing up on the beach in bathing suits. There are no if’s, and’s or but’s about it; love handles have got to go! The good news is that with the proper combination of diet, cardiovascular exercise and muscle toning, you can say goodbye to those unsightly love handles.
Targeting Fat
Here’s the bad news: there is no way to target specific areas of fat on our bodies for effective reduction. Instead, we must focus on reducing fat in the body overall, and the best way to do this is through diet and cardiovascular exercise. A general rule of thumb is that once a woman hits a body composition that is around 20% body fat, the love handles will begin to disappear. It is doubtful that anyone needs to be preached at about the proper way to eat these days, with so much information available on diet and nutrition. Keep in mind that no matter how much you exercise, you will continue to gain weight if your calories consumed are higher than the calories burned each day. This is why it is so important to cut out fats and sugar from the diet as much as possible while you are exercising daily, to increase your odds of dropping the pounds and inches on a consistent basis.
Cardiovascular exercise should be done four to six times each week, and can be as simple as taking the dog for a walk around the block, to sweating it out on the treadmill at the gym. Any type of cardio exercise will effectively burn the calories – and the additional fat – but the harder you workout, the quicker you will see results. Before you begin any type of exercise program, make sure that you talk to your doctor about the safest choices for you. Once you have a cardio workout established into your daily routine, you can begin adding specific exercises that will tone the muscles on either side of your abdomen, called the obliques. The best types of movements that will work this area include twisting and bending motions that will stretch and tone those muscles. The toning will succeed in reducing the inches around your waistline, and give you the definition and firmness that your image is craving.
While additional fat storage in the body may be a fact of life as we age, there are things that we can do to keep those storage areas under control. Once you get a handle on those love handles, you will be able to sport that bikini with confidence. Bye bye, love handles!
Posted by Ayu Chan at 5:29 PM 0 comments
Tattoo Removal
Tired of staring at that weird-looking skull tattoo you got with your best friend as a teen rebel years ago? Want to get rid of your ex’s name on your arm? Regardless of the reason, tattoo removal is a common way of getting rid of unwanted tattoos. Unfortunately, tattoo removal doesn’t work miracles and can leave scars or other skin issues. With research and the guidance of a physician, you can find a tattoo removal method that is best for you and your skin.
The method of tattoo removal used will depend on various factors: location of the tattoo, the period of time the tattoo has been on the skin, the skin’s ability to heal, the size of the tattoo, and how it was applied. Tattoos done by a very experienced tattoo artist are the easiest to remove because the pigment has been evenly injected into the skin. Sloppy or inexperienced tattoo artists tend to apply the tattoo in a way that isn’t uniform, making it harder to remove the pigments. Tattoos that have been on the skin for years are harder to remove than new ones.
Just like getting a tattoo, removing them can be an uncomfortable process. There are several methods used today for tattoo removal. In many cases, the physician chosen to perform the tattoo removal will decide which method is best.
Laser surgery is considered by many doctors and patients to be the best way to remove a tattoo. A numbing cream is usually applied to the area before the treatment. Once the skin is ready, the laser is placed over the tattoo, as pulses of light shoot out of the laser and onto the skin. Each blast of light from the laser breaks up the tattoo pigment. The laser is moved across the tattoo in quick, swift movements until the entire area has been treated. Sometimes more than one laser session is needed to completely remove the tattoo. After the treatment, the skin’s scavenger cells do the rest of the work in removing the pigment. While this option is one of the most popular, it can leave scarring or discoloration.
Dermabrasion is another method of tattoo removal that involves sanding down the tattooed area, causing the skin to peel off. The tattoo is removed in small portions by using a solution that freezes the area. After the designated area has been sanded down with an abrasive rotary tool, the layers of skin containing the pigment will peel off. Bleeding of the area is common and may need to be bandaged to prevent infection. This process can be uncomfortable and can also result in skin discoloration or scarring.
Excision is a more surgical method of removing a tattoo. This option works best for small tattoos. After a local anesthetic is applied to numb the skin, the entire tattoo is surgically removed. The edges of the skin are then pulled together and sutured shut in order to heal. Excising a tattoo gets rid of it completely but in some cases, a skin graft may be needed. Scarring and bleeding are common.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 5:27 PM 0 comments
Aromatherapy: What it can Do and what it Can’t
The use of aromatic oils as healing agents has been around for much of recorded history, but the term aromatherapy was first coined in the 1920s by RenĂ© Maurice Gattefosse. Gattefosse was a French chemist who became interested in the healing properties of essential oils after his arm caught fire in his perfume factory and he extinguished it in a vat of lavender oil. He noticed that the pain subsided and the wound healed quickly with no scarring. Ever since, there have been claims – some substantiated, but many not – of healing and therapeutic uses for a variety of distilled plant oils.
Aromatherapy 101
Depending on where you live in the world, aromatherapy is either seen as a valid branch of medicine or as a pseudo-science. In France, for instance, some essential oils are regulated as prescription drugs and doctors use them in a variety of applications as antiseptics and anti-inflammatories. However, in the United States, for example, the lack of substantial scientific studies leads many in the medical community to dismiss aromatherapy as a viable treatment option.
Essential oils and other aromatherapy compounds work in a few different ways. The scent alone – whether form incense or heating the oils – activates the limbic system and emotional centers of the brain. When these oils are applied to the skin – most commonly as massage oils – they can activate thermal receptors and kill microbes and fungi. French doctors use this application regularly by applying various essential oils to Petri dish cultures of patient infections to see which oils slow the spread of the infection the best.
Popular Applications
· Basil is used to sharpen concentration, to help treat depression, and to relieve headaches and migraines.
· Bergamot, the flavor you taste in Earl Grey tea, may be beneficial to both the urinary tract and the digestive tract. It is useful for skin conditions linked to stress, such as cold sores and chicken pox, especially when combined with eucalyptus oil.
· Black pepper can be used to stimulate circulation and to treat muscular aches and pains. When applied to the skin, it can be a useful treatment for bruises.
· Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca Oil) can be used as a topical antimicrobial and as an antiseptic and disinfectant.
· Clove oil can be used as a topical analgesic especially useful in dentistry as well as an antiseptic.
· Lavender oil can be used as an antiseptic, to soothe minor cuts and burns, to calm and relax, and to soothe headaches and migraines.
· Yarrow oil is used to reduce joint inflammation and relieve cold and influenza symptoms.
· Jasmine, Rose, Sandalwood and Ylang Ylang oil are used as aphrodisiacs.
What The Critics Are Saying
In general, medical professionals in the U.S.A. and England concede that although pleasant-smelling oils can be relaxing and have therapeutic properties like lowering stress, the lack of scientific study and hard evidence makes it impossible to estimate the effectiveness of aromatherapy. Aromatherapy supporters are quick to point out that since essential oils cannot be patented and most medical research is funded in some way through pharmaceutical companies, there is little or no interest, let alone funding, to study these natural remedies.
Conspiracy theories aside, one very valid point that many detractors bring up is that some patients may be enticed to try aromatherapy alternatives in place of proven medical procedures or medications.
Is Aromatherapy For You?
Depending on your ailment, aromatherapy might be just what the doctor ordered. For mental applications such as stress reduction and alertness, many people swear by it. For more serious medical conditions, talk it over with your doctor first.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 5:17 PM 0 comments
Nine Months of Beauty: Tips For Looking Great During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is unique to everyone and can have a mixture of emotions. You`re bringing new life into the world, but can`t figure out why you burst into tears for no apparent reason. Your body is undergoing major changes that, especially for new moms, can be confusing, exciting, and intimidating. All too often, however, women don`t get to enjoy pregnancy and the beauty that comes along with it. We forget that pregnancy can be one of the most physically beautiful times of a woman`s life, and why not take advantage of it?
Don`t Be Ashamed of Pregnancy
It`s sad that women are often encouraged to hide their pregnancies. It`s true that we may feel "fat as a house", but it`s the most beautiful fat-as-a-house feeling there could be. Why hide the fact that you`re bringing new life into the world and are growing each and every day towards giving birth to your new baby? It`s time pregnant women began showing off their figures, and you may be surprised to know that our male counterparts agree. Men find pregnancy to be one of the sexiest time in a woman`s life. Here`s some tips on taking advantage of the opportunity.
Fashion For Pregnancy
It used to be that maternity fashion was designed to cover up pregnancy and hide Mom`s belly. Not anymore. Shop around and you`ll find that, nowadays, there`s all sorts of places and designers that are offering more tailored, streamlined, and sexier clothing that shows off mom`s protruding belly and figure. Finally, there`s something to wear besides those old sweats, and this can make us feel better too.
Pregnancy`s Curse On the Skin
It`s true that pregnancy brings about changes in the skin that are less than enjoyable - breakouts, swelling, blotchiness, and excessive oiliness can all wreak havoc on how we feel about going out in public. Now is the time to revamp your skin care and cosmetic line. Purchase products that cater to these skin problems instead of sticking to your normal picks. Pregnancy brings about new needs and problems for the skin, so the old system won`t work.
Lifestyle Tips
Not only is keeping an eye on your lifestyle imperative for a healthy baby, it`s good for your sanity and beauty upkeep as well. Keep stress to a minimum and that means moderate exercise everyday, meditation, and anything else that helps you relax - bathes, massages, and spending time enjoying your pregnancy. Eating right and drinking lots of water will keep baby and Mom healthy and put together with these other lifestyle tips, make a significant difference on how you feel and look during your pregnancy.
Most of all, connect with baby and enjoy being pregnant!
Posted by Ayu Chan at 5:14 PM 0 comments
Wax Your Own Eyebrows
If you’ve ever tweezed your own eyebrows, then you probably know how time consuming and extremely painful it can be. Another alternative to tweezing if you don’t have sensitive skin, is waxing. Although it can be painful (just not as often), waxing is a much easier alternative to removing eyebrow hair. Generally it’s best to have your eyebrow waxed by a salon that specializes in it, but quite often we just don’t have the time to do so. At–home eyebrow waxing can be done on your own time and at a fraction of the cost of a salon visit.
The Shape
· Your first step in eyebrow waxing is to tame down any straggly hairs and get an idea of the brow’s natural shape by brushing the eyebrow into place. You can do this with a soft toothbrush or eyebrow brush. Be sure to follow the natural curve of the brow. To numb the skin under the eyebrow, apply an astringent like witch hazel to the area.
· Using a pencil, hold it parallel to the side of your nose, making sure it is level with the inner corner of your eye. This is where the brow should begin. Mark the area to indicate the starting area of the brow.
· Next, with the pencil still touching the side of the nostril, position the pencil so that it is past the outer edge of the eyebrow. This is where the arch should be. Mark the area.
· Now, connect the two marks so that they form a gentle arch. This will be your guide when applying the eyebrow wax. If you want a distinctive brow, re-position the line a little until you get the ideal shape you are seeking. Try to aim for a brow that is smooth, but tapered toward the outer ends.
Now it’s time to apply the wax. Make sure that the eyebrow waxing kit that you purchased (available in most beauty stores) contains the following:
1. A container or tube of wax
2. An applicator to apply the wax with
3. Muslin strips for removing the wax
· Following the directions that came with your wax kit, warm the wax to the temperature indicated.
· Next, using the applicator, apply a small amount of the warmed wax in the direction of the hair growth under the eyebrow.
· Apply a piece of the muslin over the waxed area, smoothing as you go. Now, grasp one end of the muslin while holding the skin taut and pull the muslin off in a quick motion. If you have a lot of hair to remove, you may want to take a little off at a time. Don’t apply the wax over the area you have just waxed, however. Doing so can cause skin to become very irritated. Instead, if you have straggly hairs, remove them with a pair of tweezers.
· If you’d like you can apply a soothing balm such as tea tree oil over the freshly waxed areas to help ease the pain.
That’s it! You can expect your results to last for about 4-6 weeks.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 5:11 PM 0 comments
Beauty Soap Recipes
Want to know the real secret to truly beautiful skin? All Natural. Think about it. Why would you ever want to use a beauty soap that contains chemicals or harsh detergents that can be dry and irritating to the skin? A beauty soap made from all natural ingredients is not only healthier than chemically made soaps; it can also leave your skin feeling luxurious and looking beautiful. There are many manufacturers who have stepped up to the plate and created a line of naturally made beauty soaps, but often they can be very expensive, especially if you’re on a budget. A much more reasonable alternative is to make your own.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
Exfoliating Shea Butter Soap
What You Need:
1 bar of all-natural olive oil soap
½ cup distilled water
1 tbsp finely ground almonds
2 tbsp shea butter, unprocessed
· Grate the olive oil soap until you have about 2 cups worth and add it to a double boiler along with the distilled water.
· Melt the mixture over medium high heat and stir with a wooden spoon until the mixture has melted and is a stringy texture.
· Remove the mixture from heat and add the shea butter and almonds. Stir gently to blend.
· Pour the soap into a plastic soap container (used for traveling) or a small plastic food container. Allow the soap to harden for several hours before removing it from the container.
· Place the soap on a drying rack and let set for at least 3 weeks. Turn the soap at least once a day to prevent the bar from warping.
· Once the 3 weeks are up, wrap the soap in plastic wrap to preserve until use.
Herbal Soap
What You Need:
½ cup sesame oil
3 tbsp grated beeswax
2 tbsp chamomile tea
1 tbsp lanolin
1 tbsp sunflower oil
1 tsp honey
1/8 tsp baking soda
· Melt all of the ingredients in a double boiler over medium heat, stirring constantly. Don’t let the mixture boil!
· Pour the soap into a plastic soap container (used for traveling) or a small plastic food container. Allow the soap to harden before removing from the container.
· Wrap the soap in plastic wrap to preserve until use.
· For a variety, you can try a different herb such as peppermint.
Apple Cinnamon Soap
What You Need:
4 oz . unscented glycerine soap
1 tsp liquid glycerine
½ tsp apple fragrance oil
½ tsp ground cinnamon
· Melt the soap in a double boiler over low heat. Add the liquid gylcerine and stir well.
· Add the apple fragrance and ground cinnamon. Stir and let thicken. Stir again.
· Pour the soap into a plastic soap container (used for traveling) or small food container. Allow the soap to harden before removing it from the container.
· Wrap the soap in plastic wrap to preserve until use.
The above are just a few ideas you can try. Experiment with different herbs and oils. The possibilities are endless.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 5:07 PM 0 comments
Beauty Through the Ages
There`s so many old rules of thumb by which to live that it`s sometimes fun just to sit and reminisce about them. What`s most amusing is that the majority of them had no real logic at all and that today we hear them and wonder where on earth some of them came from. This may lead us to the question as to whether our children or grandchildren will someday sit around and wonder the same of us, although no modern theory today seems quite as silly as some of those old ones. You know the one`s - sitting to close to the television will make you blind, or crossing your eyes will make them stuck that way. Back in those days, the women had their own skin-care and beauty rituals that may seem pretty outdated today. But did they work?
Back In the Day
Most women, especially those beauty addicts whose cabinets are full of cosmetics and skin-care products, are grateful to have the advances of today`s makeup and skin-care industry. Until most recent decades, women really didn`t have all that much selection when purchasing skin care or makeup. Some of us may have heard about the days when weekly visits from the Avon lady were the primary method a woman had of caring for her skin and making herself up. Even further back, makeup and cosmetics began literally as "paint", a description that if today was applied to any cosmetics product, we surely wouldn`t purchase. My, how things have changed.
From Then To Now
You may be interested to know that some of the names we still have around today, got there beginnings in the early twentieth century - Revlon and Avon, for example. Although we wouldn`t dare use the primitive and outdated version of these cosmetics, their introduction is the basis and foundation of what we have available to us today. However, some things have stuck around and you may catch a glimpse of in your local drugstore even. We can most certainly be thankful for the fact that, although these products no doubt worked - women in the 50`s and 60`s smelled great, had rosy cheeks and lips, and a great complexion - today`s products are much safer, keep longer, go on smoother, come off easier, and have much more variety.
Some That Are Still Around
You`ll still find some products that are just the same today as they were yesterday - some still look the same and you may see them while browsing the drugstore aisles. This says volumes about their quality and effectiveness. I know my grandmother, despite all the options available to her, still uses the same cold cream she did in her twenties. Some of the best remedies for skin care problems are still the same after all this time. Pancake makeup, although not recommended for daily use as it once was, is still great for photographs and special occasions. It`s products like these that we may want to give a second look to since their longevity must mean that after all these years, they`re still working. There`s some great original products on the shelf - next time you see them, don`t dismiss them just because their not new and innovative.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 5:04 PM 0 comments
The Keys to Dry Skin Care
Dry skin isn’t the type of condition that just goes away on its own. It takes constant treatment and care to alleviate dry skin. Many people suffer from this skin condition and dealing with extreme temperatures and other environmental factors can be a nuisance. However, taking care of dry skin isn’t impossible. It merely requires a little know-how and some helpful tips.
In simple terms, dry skin is caused by lack of moisture. The skin contains a very protective and complex barrier made up of lipids (natural oils in the skin), sebum (oil) and natural moisturizing factors. This barrier is known as the hydro-lipid system. In addition to keeping the skin healthy by keeping necessary moisture levels intact, it also prevents bacteria, infection and other foreign substances from harming us. The problem with dry skin types is that this particular condition damages the hydro-lipid barrier. When this happens, a number of problems occur for the skin: increased moisture loss, dry and cracked skin, peeling, flaking and itchiness.
Dry skin can be inherited or affected by environmental factors, including extreme temperatures, air conditioning, heaters, and even contact dermatitis (coming into contact with substances that cause an allergic reaction - soaps, detergents, chemicals, etc).
Having dry skin is often troublesome because it requires training the skin to retain moisture and stay properly hydrated. The key is to rebuild the hydro-lipid system. Whether you suffer from acute or chronically dry skin, making certain changes in your lifestyle and in your skin care practices will better accommodate your delicate skin type and make life a lot easier for you.
Because dry skin can be aggravated easily, make it a point to read the labels of any product you buy in the store that your skin may come into contact with. This includes dishwashing soaps, laundry detergent, and perfume, to name a few. Many of the chemicals in these products can dry out your skin, which is the last thing you need if you already suffer from parched skin.
Hot water is a common factor that can cause dry skin. Only use lukewarm water and avoid taking long showers and baths. Being in the water for too long robs your skin of what little moisture it can hold onto. When it comes to your skin care products, only use the ones specially formulated for dry skin types.
Exfoliate dry, flaky skin but be gentle and don’t scrub too hard. Instead of rubbing your skin or face dry, use gentle pats and apply lotion while your skin is still damp, since this helps seal in moisture faster. Continue to drink water daily to provide your skin with proper hydration and try using a shielding lotion in place of regular lotion. Shielding lotions work with the skin to restore the hydro-lipid system and ensure that your skin receives the highest levels of moisture and hydration.
Use a humidifier to maintain an ideal environment where your skin won’t be dried out from too much air conditioning or heat.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 5:01 PM 0 comments
Overnight Beauty: What your Skin Should Wear to Bed
Sometimes it seems as though skin care is a 24-7 job to keep our skin looking its absolute best. Here’s a thought: make your skin work smarter instead of harder, by doing the bulk of the work while you are enjoying some shut-eye. By taking a little extra time in your nighttime beauty routine, you can quite literally rest assured that your skin is getting the best treatment while the stars are out. From your face to your feet, there are some tricks that will help you to rise and shine looking your absolute best.
The nighttime hours are the perfect time to let your skin indulge in an intense moisturizing treatment. After giving your face a good cleansing and a refreshing toning, apply a moisturizer that is specifically designed for your skin type. For some anti-wrinkle action, use a cream containing beta-hydroxy acids around the eye area. It is also a good idea, before applying that moisturizer, to exfoliate your skin a couple of times each week to slough off the dead skin cells and fully prepare your face for the hydrating treatment that is to come.
Your face is not the only part of your skin that needs a little extra attention after the sun goes down. Those unfortunate hands and feet that must face the harmful environmental elements every day will also benefit from a bit of nighttime TLC. If you have the time in the evening, give your hands and feet an exfoliating treatment before bed, followed by a rich moisturizer. Your hands and nails will even enjoy a slathering of petroleum jelly if you prefer. To up the moisturizing quotient, wear cotton socks and gloves to bed that will allow the moisturizer to soak into the skin and protect it while you sleep.
For a mouth that wakes up in the morning feeling fresh and clean (give or take a touch of morning breath!) make sure that your teeth get a good brushing and flossing before the sheep counting begins. There are a number of overnight whitening treatments that you can apply before bed and wake to a whiter smile in the morning. Don’t neglect your tongue in your nighttime oral care either, since a gentle brushing will strip it of bacteria and give your entire mouth an extra cleansing. While the toothbrush is still out, you can also massage your lips with it very gently to remove the dead and dry skin on the surface. Apply a layer of petroleum jelly or your favorite scented lip balm to ensure that your lips are kissably soft when the alarm goes off in the morning.
Skin care may seem like it takes some time and effort, but the results are well worth the investment. Every woman enjoys flaunting a soft, healthy glow that attentive skin care can bring. By completing a large portion of your beauty routine before hitting the sack at night, you can let the bulk of the work load happen while you are in blissful slumber. Nighty- night!
Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:55 PM 0 comments
The Benefits of Jojoba Oil
Jojoba oil has grown to become the golden child of hair and skin care. The benefits of using Jojoba oil are numerous, from alleviating aches and pains to achieving a flawless complexion or hairstyle. Its popularity makes it almost impossible to find a skin care or hair product that doesn’t contain Jojoba oil.
Known for its natural moisturizing, restorative and anti-inflammatory properties, Jojoba oil is a liquid wax produced by the seeds of the Jojoba shrub that is native to areas such as southern California, southern Arizona and northwestern Mexico.
Jojoba Oil in Skin Care
One of the most intriguing things about this oil is that it operates almost the same way human sebum (oil) does. Even more interesting, Jojoba oil has been shown to work well with acne prone skin. When applied to the skin, Jojoba oil balances sebum levels and also possesses anti-bacterial properties that prevent breakouts. Its ability to prevent moisture loss makes Jojoba oil ideal for use on dry skin, eczema and other problematic skin conditions. You can find Jojoba oil in wrinkle reduction treatments, moisturizers, acne control products and a number of other skin care items. For a homemade treat, you can purchase a bottle of pure Jojoba oil to make your own moisturizing cream or add a few drops to your favorite lotion. Jojoba oil is widely used in natural skin care products as well.
The next time you want to pamper yourself, reach for massage oil that contains Jojoba oil. The liquid wax makes for a lasting massage experience and protects the skin while providing relief.
Jojoba Oil in Hair Care
The use of Jojoba oil in hair care products is very common and those who suffer from dry, damaged hair or scaly, flaky scalp will benefit greatly from Jojoba’s ability to deeply penetrate the scalp and hair shaft. Jojoba oil dissolves sticky build-up on the scalp that can form from daily use of other hair products such as mousse, hair spray and hair gel. Many scalp problems occur as a result of such build-up, which can keep the hair follicles from functioning - ultimately killing the follicle - resulting in damaged hair.
With continued use, Jojoba oil ensures that hair stays healthy and clean, with a natural shine. In addition to Jojoba oil’s use as a scalp treatment, many hair conditioners, shampoos and herbal products contain Jojoba oil as its key ingredient. As with skin care, Jojoba oil can also be used on its own as a homemade treatment. As a leave-in conditioner, simply pour some Jojoba onto your hands and run them through your hair and comb through with a big-toothed comb until it is evenly distributed, or add one teaspoon of Jojoba to a cup of water in a spray bottle for a more convenient conditioning hair spray.
With its endless possibilities, you can enrich your life with Jojoba oil in just about any way imaginable.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:53 PM 0 comments
Skin Care During the College Years
Being away from home during college can be the most liberating experience in a young adult’s life. Unfortunately, during this stage in life many things tend to get neglected - skin care being one of the most common. Many times dorm life doesn’t always present the best environment for healthy skin but by incorporating a few tips into your daily routine, you can maintain beautiful skin that will last through midterms all the way to graduation.
The main items that need to be present everyday in your college life are cleanser, toner, moisturizer and a good exfoliating body scrub. Because many of the showers and other bathroom facilities in dormitories are open to all students, keep your skin care products from mingling with everyone else’s and don’t share your products. This will prevent the transfer of bacteria and dirt. Also make it a habit to wash your hands after coming into contact with items that other people use frequently, such as keyboards and water fountains. Stay safe from conditions like Athlete’s Foot by wearing sandals when stepping into the shower.
Make it a point to cleanse, tone and moisturize your face each morning before heading to class and especially before going to bed (ladies, always wash off your makeup before going to sleep - no exceptions). If you have never used a daily skin care regimen, now is the perfect time to start. College brings about levels of stress, filled with unhealthy eating habits and late-night study sessions. Each of these factors can lead to breakouts, rashes and other symptoms of problematic skin. So while it may be next to impossible to lower your stress level, it is easy to make sure your complexion stays clean and blemish free as long as you pay attention to your skin twice a day.
As hard as it may seem, try your best to avoid eating overly greasy foods and lay off the sweets. Drinking water will keep you feeling energized and refreshed so carry a water bottle with you to your classes and limit your caffeine intake. Being in college doesn’t make you immune to UV rays. Apply sunscreen each time you step outside or use makeup and other beauty items that contain SPF so your skin always stay protected.
For most college students sleep is rare. Reenergize tired skin by taking a warm shower in the evening and using an exfoliating body scrub to wash away layers of dead skin. This will help your body wind down easier. To combat under eye puffiness or bags, rely on a good quality eye cream to keep you looking fresh. While studying, apply a soothing facial mask to relax and soothe stressed, upset skin. College can be difficult but that doesn’t mean your skin care regimen has to be.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:51 PM 0 comments
How to Control Shine
Starting the day off with a perfectly fresh complexion and ending it with an oily, shiny mess can be downright discouraging. Even applying makeup can turn out disastrous when the shine hits. But with the use of select makeup and skin care items, you can tame your shine and spend your days without worry or fear of embarrassment.
Oily skin and shine go together like bees and honey. The main problem when it comes to dealing with oily skin is keeping your complexion from getting “shiny” throughout the day. Many people who deal with this skin type have a terrible time trying to battle pimples, coarse pores and other blemishes. Having a shiny face can be very embarrassing because it can be seen from a mile away. The forehead and nose are dead giveaways when it comes to having a shiny face. Often makeup is used to correct the problem, but normally results in a blotchy appearance. Blotting sheets have made dealing with a shiny face easier but it doesn’t completely take care of the problem. There is hope, however, and it involves buying the right makeup and skin care products for your face, as well as practicing the proper application tips and techniques.
Because oily skin deals with the overproduction of sebum (oil), it is important to stay away from skin care products that can cause over drying or strip your skin of its natural moisture. Using products that are made for oily skin will help keep pores from becoming clogged and regulate sebum production. Don’t feel compelled to use moisturizer if you don’t have to. Only apply moisturizer to the areas of your face that are really dry. There are also moisturizers that work to physically reduce the production of sebum, while mattifying. Clay and mud masks are perfect for absorbing oil from your face in a way that is relaxing and won’t cause a mess.
In addition to maintaining a strong skin care routine, choosing the right makeup can help you avoid a dark and blotchy appearance. Purchase makeup items that create a matte effect, which prevents and controls shine. Using a matte makeup primer after moisturizing and before applying foundation combats shine and allows your makeup to go on smoothly. You can even get away with just wearing the primer and skipping the foundation altogether. You can find semi-matte and matte foundation at any store or makeup counter. The use of powder can also help in reducing the appearance of shine. For the most matte finish, apply powder using a puff or cotton/wool pad. The more powder you apply, the more matte your face will appear but overloading on too much powder can cause your face to look cakey.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:47 PM 0 comments
Upper Lip Care
It’s easy to pay attention to the main areas of our face when it comes to anti-aging, but what about the forgotten areas like the upper lip? This part of the face ages just like the rest of the skin and because of its delicate location, we often take for granted that this area is fine without special treatment. That couldn’t be further from the truth. If you thought crow’s feet around your eyes are a nightmare to get rid of, imagine the damage deep wrinkles can do to your complexion once they’ve attacked your upper lip!
Many people don’t think twice about their upper lip until it’s too late. Prevent unnecessary treatments for wrinkles in the upper lip area by practicing good skin care habits daily. Treat this part of your face with just as much care and consideration as you would any other part of your face or body.
The upper lip area mostly comes into play when it comes to hair removal, since this area is often the target of unwanted facial hair. There are many options of hair removal that can be used but it’s also important to know which one will work best for your skin. Getting rid of the hair is one thing, but maintaining the health of your upper lip is another. For people with sensitive skin, the upper lip is just as prone to bad skin reactions to chemicals and certain treatments. Depilatories can be messy and often don’t completely remove the hair. If you’re thinking about going down this route, do a patch test first to see how your skin reacts.
Shaving and plucking should be avoided since these two methods can be very harsh on the upper lip area, not to mention the possibility of cutting yourself with the razor. The upper lip area is too sensitive for the daily aggression shaving provides. Waxing appears to be the best method for unwanted hair in this area. To get the best results, get your upper lip waxed professionally in a salon and treat the area afterwards with a soothing cream or applying a warm towel to the area to calm the skin.
Moisturize your upper lip area on a daily basis. Many people have the bad habit of applying their facial moisturizer or other facial products to everywhere but the upper lip area. This part of the face needs attention as well, so don’t leave it out in the cold. Sunscreen should always be applied to the upper lip whenever you step out into the sun to avoid UV damage. Apply lip balm to the upper lip area as well as your lips, especially if it contains SPF and moisturizing agents such as aloe vera. You may feel weird while doing it, but even this small step can keep your upper lip area soft, smooth and free of fine lines and wrinkles.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:45 PM 0 comments
Women absorb up to 5lbs of damaging chemicals a year thanks to beauty products
It takes cleanser, moisturiser, make-up and a favourite lipstick to ensure the average woman is ready to face the world.
But a daily routine like this leaves her with more than a polished appearance.
She also absorbs almost 5lb of chemicals through her skin every year.
Some of the man-made compounds have been linked to cancer, while others may irritate the skin or even cause it to age prematurely.
Biochemist Richard Bence warned that the chemicals found in everyday beauty products could be doing untold damage.
Mr Bence, who has spent three years studying the ingredients in cosmetics and toiletries, said: "There is a growing amount of research questioning the ingredients found in conventional beauty products.
"We really need to start questioning the products we are putting on our skin and not just assume that the chemicals in them are safe.
"We have no idea what these chemicals do when they are mixed together. The effect could be much greater than the sum of the individual parts."
Among the chief chemical suspects are parabens - preservatives widely used in skin and hair products, including soap, shampoo, deodorant and baby lotion.
Capable of stopping bacterial growth, parabens are also thought to mimic the effects of the female sex hormone oestrogen, which is known to help tumours grow.
Traces of the chemical have been found in breast tumour samples but the link with cancer is, however, hotly disputed.
Sodium lauryl sulphate, which helps soap, shampoo, shaving foam, toothpaste and bubble bath lather up, can irritate skin.
Other potential irritants include benzyl alcohols, which are used to scent and preserve perfume, makeup and hair dyes.
Cocamide MEA, which binds the ingredients of many moisturisers, is also a suspect.
The average woman absorbs 4lb 6oz of chemicals from toiletries and make-up every year, the industry magazine In-Cosmetics recently reported.
Mr Bence, who last year founded a website which specialises in organic beauty products, said absorbing such chemicals is more dangerous than swallowing them.
"If your lipstick gets into your mouth, it is broken down by the enzymes in saliva and in the stomach.
"But if the chemicals get straight into your bloodstream, there is no protection."
Sodium lauryl sulphate is among chemicals banned from health and beauty products certified as organic by the Soil Association.
Soil Association spokeswoman Clio Turton suggested beauty enthusiasts should try to reduce the number of products they use each day.
"Many women are using over 20 different products a day, bombarding themselves with hundreds of different chemicals - is that eyelash conditioner really essential?" she said.
The warning follows research showing nine out of ten women apply make-up past its use-by date.
The Royal College of Optometrists warned that old ipstick or mascara could be a "hothouse" for bacteria. Cosmetic and toiletry manufacturers insisted that their products are safe.
Dr Christopher Flower, of the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Perfumery Association, said: "There is no reason at all to be worried about the safety of any products.
"They are all covered by EU-wide regulation which requires them to be safe - there are no ifs and buts about it.
"The cocktail effect of chemicals is an urban myth.
"We do know how different chemicals react individually and can predict how they interact with each other and this is taken into account when the safety of products is assessed."
Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:35 PM 0 comments
A Doctors Tips that may Save your Skin
Consumers are seeking the benefits of non surgical aesthetic/cosmetic procedures more than ever before. But how do you choose the right medispa that provides safe and effective treatments and skin care And how do you know which treatment will yield the desired result for your individual needs and skin type
With somany places offering Botox, fillers, lipodissolve, laser treatments and other skin care, it is easy to become overwhelmed. The choices seem endless. With so much hype about different non surgical options, how can you make the right decision
If consumers and the media are confused about what constitutes a medical spa, its understandable. Typically, a medical spa is defined as a facility in which licensed healthcare professionals provide medical and/or wellness services in a spa like setting. Many types of facilities and offices perform aesthetic/cosmetic procedures, but Dr. Karina Bibicheff, a board certified physician in the field of laser aesthetics and non traditional dermatology, has some tips for finding the perfect fit in medical spas:
* Be sure to verify that the office or medical spa has experience
* Check the credentials of the practitioners
* Confirm there is a doctor on site
* Research the lasers, skin care products, and therapies
* Dont rely only on price to make your decision
* Ask questions about your personal skin health and optimal treatments
* Be comfortable with the staff and environment
Obviously, not all skin centers are the same. Dr. Bibicheff explains, The skin is the largest organ on the body and you should know who is helping you take care of it.
As summer approaches, now is the best time to prevent sun damage and premature aging. Skin care is a billion dollar industry. With so many products on the market, how do consumers choose the best product for their skin type and condition A medical spa offers FDA approved clinical skin care carefully prescribed by a healthcare professional to treat each individuals skin type and condition. These professionals can evaluate and properly analyze the skin in order to protect, correct and maintain the skin to its optimal state.
Dr. Bibicheff is the owner and Medical Director of VITA Ageless Medical Aesthetics. Since VITAs inception in 2004, Dr. Bibicheff and her staff have successfully treated and cared for more than 1000 clients. Education is critical; at VITA, seminars are held monthly to educate the public on skin health and wellness. Professional guidance and individualized care means that clients are given realistic outcomes and options on how to obtain healthier skin.
For any questions or to inquire about an appointment, please feel free to call at 516-626-6800 or visit our website at to view our upcoming seminars and events.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:34 PM 0 comments
Skin Care with Chemicals – Does It Cause More Harm Than Good?
Today I read an article advising that people with itchy, dry skin use petroleum jelly, moisturizers and over-the-counter medications containing hydrocortisone cream. There is so much information out there regarding the damage some of these products do to the skin, body, and environment, and their success rate is so low, it’s amazing that people still recommend them. The fact is, they not only prevent dry skin from healing, they can actually make it worse. If you really want to handle dry skin, you need to use natural skin care treatment products with non-toxic, non-drying ingredients.
How do these products affect dry skin? Let’s start with hydrocortisone cream – people with eczema and dry skin routinely go from one medicated cream to another. These medications rarely handle the problem and, when they do, it’s usually only for a short time. They do nothing to actually cure the problem, and they often exacerbate the condition. Unless you have a very serious problem, try to solve it with natural skin care products rather than drugs. And make sure you’re on a healthy diet.
Petroleum Jelly – in a nutshell, petroleum-based products, which include mineral oil, coat the skin with a film that makes the skin feel smooth and soft. However, what you’re feeling is not your skin, it’s the product. Underneath the product is the same dry skin, but now the pores are clogged so the skin can’t breathe, can’t release toxins, can’t slough off dead cells, can’t absorb moisture from the environment and, in short, can’t go through the natural healing process. To make matters worse, the skin is fooled into thinking that its moisture content is higher than it really is, so the body may slow down its own moisture production - exactly the opposite of what you need for dry skin treatment, and enough reason in itself to use natural skin care products.
As if that weren’t enough, you are also slathering your body with something that has proven time and time again to be toxic. For example, a Columbia University study found that women with breast cancer had significantly higher levels of petroleum in the breast tissue than others. This is one of many studies that have come up with the same findings. One in eight girls born today is expected to get breast cancer, and one in 30 is expected to die from it. Petroleum skin care products have also been proven to cause Candida infection, and a myriad of other problems. How much more do you need to know about a substance before you stop using it?
The problem with most moisturizers is much the same. Check the ingredients. Some type of petroleum or mineral oil will likely be near the top of the list. Bottom line - there really is no place for petroleum-based products in natural skin care.
The fact that something has been around for years doesn’t make it safe. In fact, during those years we’ve seen an increase in dry skin, eczema and other types of skin problems to near epidemic proportions. We keep coming up with more and more products to handle the damage while ignoring the evidence that our solutions have turned into problems. If you want healthy skin, live a health lifestyle – good diet, exercise, and adequate sleep – and use natural skin care products that don’t exacerbate the problem.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:32 PM 0 comments
Symrise targets personal care market with anti-microbial agent
Symrise has launched a new moisturising agent with anti-microbial properties as part of its attempts to develop a foothold as the leading ingredient provider in the international cosmetics market.
SymClariol is the latest in a long line of recent launches from the company, pitted for use across the board of personal care products such as shampoos and conditioners, deodorants and moisturising creams.
The agent arrives on the market at a time when the company is attempting to establish itself as the market leader in the beauty and personal care industry. This follows the industry recognition the company received earlier this year - winning two categories in the BSB Innovations Awards, held at the InCosmetics show in Paris last month.
Made up of 1,2-decanediol and INCI: decylene glycol, the company says that the efficacy of the formulation has been verified through a series of in-vivo and in-vitro tests.
Created in a wax-like material the company claims that the substance is compatible with all cosmetic ingredients, therefore can be used in a number of other products worldwide.
Broadening the functionality of the product, German based Symrise is also marketing the substance for use in all anti-acne, anti-dandruff and anti-fungal products for skin and nails.
The company will no doubt hope that SymClariol follows the success of previous launches of its SymRelief and SymRepair products, which won the 'Innovative Natural Raw Materials' and 'Innovative Functional Raw Materials'.
SymRelief won the 'Innovative Natural Raw Materials' due to the discovery that the addition of the ginger extract intensifies the anti-irritant effect of bisabolol.
Likewise, the award for 'Innovative Functional Raw Materials' was given to the company for its research into its SymRepair product - a lipid mixture that is said to allow the skin to regenerate and maintain its natural protective function, due to its similarity to the blend of lipids in the skin's outer most layers.
The company developed the materials to be used in a wide variety of products on the personal care market, in particular skin care ranges that target sensitive or dry skin whilst also combating acne and ageing.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:31 PM 0 comments
New skin care line zeroes in on aging
It's a crowded world out there, especially if you're a wrinkle-reduction cream.
But if you're an entrepreneur, you've got to believe there's always space on the shelf for one more serum.
Introducing Harvey Daniels and Jerry Chafetz, two locals with backgrounds in sales and marketing, who recently launched S-Solutions, a skin care line developed and made in South Florida.
''I'm so glad to be in this business,'' said Daniels, 36, who used to sell luxury real estate. ``It's a $64-billion industry, you know.''
Chafetz and Daniels teamed up with Sharon E. Perlow, a naturalistic practitioner in Aventura, after they met her coincidentally, they said, and were inspired by her scientific knowledge.
Professional formulators, meanwhile, created the products.
''The ultimate, hands-down goal of S-Solutions is to provide the ultimate anti-aging skin care to the public, with cutting edge technology and the most advanced ingredients found in the marketplace,'' Daniels wrote in an e-mail from his Michigan Avenue office.
Chafetz, 49, earned his MBA at Arizona State University and started Onboard Media, which sold clothing and skin care products to cruise lines. He sold Onboard in 2000.
He took care of the S-Solutions' business plan and marketing. Daniels handled design and branding.
The line is a sharp, modern mix of white, red and black packaging. It contains 10 products.
Items cost $25 to $275, and the entire line can be had for $670. Ranging from facial scrubs to serums and creams, ingredients include Gotu Kola, an Asian herb, and a combination of green and white tea extracts.
They call their target demographic the ''type-S personality,'' Daniels said, ``someone who is into looking good, who is image-conscious and brand-oriented.''
Daniels loves his new line of work. ''It's amazing what I've learned in the last year, working with Sharon and the dermatologists,'' he said. ``Since it was going to be my business, I figured I better sink my teeth into it.''
Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Skin Care- Acid Mantle Is The Main factor - Part 1
C.D. Mohatta
June 20, 2007
Skin care does not only mean keeping skin clean, using skin care products, applying cosmetics, avoiding sun and getting surgery done for skin blemishes. Acid mantle of the skin plays a major role in protection of skin and must be understood for better skin care. Let us find out more about what is acid mantle and what role it plays in skin care.
What is acid mantle?
Skin has a protective layer of acidic oils on it, called the acid mantle. This protective layer is found all over the skin. Acid mantle is a mixture of sweat and sebum. Disturbing this acidic mantle may cause many problems. That is why, we hear so much about pH balanced products. Acid mantle-
1. Hydrates the skin and protects it from drying.
2. Protects skin against harmful bacteria. Bacteria do not survive in the acidic mixture and therefore cannot cause infection in the skin.
How acid mantle is destroyed?
If you strip the skin of its acidic mantle by using strong alkaline soaps/cleansers, bacteria will find it easy to attack the skin. Moreover removing the acid mantle disturbs the distribution of dead cells on top of epidermis. This is called stratum corneum. The structure of cells in the dead skin cells layer gets disturbed and the bacteria find an easy passage through to the epidermis. Normally these dead cells protect the skin against such damages. The skin is a miracle. These dead cells if allowed to accumulate will make the skin look very bad, but if totally removed, the skin is left defenseless to an extent. We have to arrive at a fine balance in maintenance of the skin. In the next part we will discuss about how to protect acid mantle.
This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:23 PM 0 comments
Anti-Aging 'Miracle Serum' All the Rage in London
They stand in line outside pharmacies from before dawn. They're hoping, dreaming, wanting.
"Can I buy two?" asked a hopeful, elderly gentleman.
"No, just one," came the curt reply.
He pleaded, "I've got a wife and a daughter, you see."
The pharmacy chain Boots had given "Nightline" a tip that a shipment of an anti-aging serum was arriving at a store on London's Oxford Street early one morning. Men and women young and old came crawling.
"Well, obviously for the wife. Not for me," spluttered a nervous man in his early 40s.
The shipment of serum lasted less than two hours. Many left unsatisfied.
"Some of them get upset," a sales clerk explained. "Because they've been waiting for a while and when they get here it's finished already."
Protect and Perfect
Since time began people have been trying to reverse its ravages. Now Stewart Long, a mild-mannered product developer at Boots, thinks he cracked it. It's a serum called No. 7 Protect and Perfect.
"It makes your skin visibly younger looking in four weeks," Long said with confidence at his laboratory in Nottingham, England.
People believe him because Dr. Rachel Watson -- a renowned dermatology researcher at the University of Manchester -- endorsed the serum in an academic paper and then on television. She specializes in sun damage and skin aging.
My first question when I met Watson was this: Do you use this serum? The reply: "Yes, I do actually."
Protect and Perfect has been in stores since 2004, gathering a small but enthusiastic following. Then it was featured in a BBC documentary analyzing the claims of beauty products.
The bottle appeared on screen for less then three seconds. That's all it took for a 21-week stock to sell out in two days. Now Boots can't make the stuff fast enough.
1,500 Bottles an Hour
After our chat with Long, "Nightline" went to the factory where the serum is made. They'd run out of bottles. The supplier can't keep up with the demand. For more than a month, 1,500 bottles of serum were rolling off the production lines every hour, 24 hours a day.
Watch your television for a couple of hours and chances are you'll see a commercial for some kind of anti-aging cream. The makers bombard us with science, with the names of ingredients, with the short time it'll take to make us to look visibly younger.
A lot of these products, including Protect and Perfect, contain Retinol. It's basically a vitamin that stimulates skin cell activity. It's also in Tretinoin, a powerful and expensive prescription drug used to treat acne and deep wrinkles.
But according to Long, Retinol isn't what makes his $20, over-the-counter potion work.
No 'Magic Bullet'
"It's the combination of ingredients," he said. "We don't believe there's a single magic bullet that can treat the signs of aging."
So why does Watson think Long is on to something? In the lab Watson applied the serum to 10 volunteers' sun-damaged forearms. She took biopsies on day one and day 12.
She claimed that the skin showed significant improvement. After 12 days there were more fibrillin strands, which give skin its elasticity, she said. But does she know why?
"Not entirely, to be completely honest with you," she answered.
A six-month, full clinical trial of the serum is now under way. Results are expected in January. Meanwhile the buying frenzy continues.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:20 PM 0 comments
Eye Lift Surgery Not Needed For Most Vision Impairment
Vision problems typically increase with age and sometimes the problem is on the outside. The eyelids and brows sag as gravity sets in. This action can impair vision. Usually the first thought is cosmetic surgery.
(PRWEB) June 20, 2007 -- Cynthia Rowland, internationally known anti-aging expert announces a safe and risk free way to stave off eyelid surgery using facial exercise.
One of the best kept anti-aging secrets can help you recover your sight. That's right; exercise can save your sight by lifting sagging eye lids and eye brows.
Sagging eyelids can impair vision and those sagging muscles can easily become stronger using exercise.
"Vision problems typically increase with age and sometimes the problem is on the outside. The eyelids and brows sag as gravity sets in and that sagging can begin to impair vision. Many people have turned to cosmetic surgery because it seems like it is the only avenue for correction.
Cosmetic surgery is definitely an option, but why risk infection or more when one simple exercise done for 35 seconds a day can achieve results rivaling a surgical procedure?" asks Ms. Rowland.
Eyebrows droop as the forehead muscle weakens from lack of use. The frontalis muscle is a vertical muscle that originates in the scalp and hairline. When this muscle begins to elongate it only has one way to move and that is downward into the obicularis occuli muscles, the muscles that lift the eyelids.
Aging, sagging forehead muscles pool into aging, sagging eye lid muscles.
Drooping eye lids can impair vision. This impairment can also create a very wrinkled forehead because the levator muscles, the obicularis occuli muscles and the frontalis muscle are working overtime trying to keep the droopy eyelid from obstructing one's vision.
There are only a few options available to improve sagging eyelids.
Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct sagging upper and lower eyes. The upper eye procedure involves actually cutting the eyelids, removing excess tissue and then suturing the eyelids usually in the existing crease. The surgery is performed while the patient is under general anesthesia although there are other types of local and oral anesthesia's available; the procedure takes about 2 hours to complete and just like any other invasive procedure there are risks to consider.
Electro-stimulation devices, using minute electrical currents, claim they can lift eyelids and brows. According to some well-paid physicians they do work but there is a healthy amount of skepticism from their peers.
Overuse can cause spasms, headache, irritation, redness and burning. Electro-stimulation is very time consuming as each area requires about three minutes to treat so it's not unusual to spend an hour or more trying to lift your face every other day.
The above mentioned options are not only costly; they're very temporary. Yes, temporary. Surgery does not correct poor muscle tone and neither do injections of Botox, fillers or electro-currents.
What's the solution?
Facial exercise is the smartest thing you can do to stop the cause of sagging eyelids but not all facial exercise programs work the same. Why? Because scrunching and contortions are not exercises. When there is no resistance or anchoring to create a contraction, your eyelids cannot lift. Genuine facial exercise is not about scrunching or making contortions, rather, they are bone fide, precise movements that treat the cause of aging in the face.
How long until you see results? Most people see results immediately. Permanent results occur when the muscles are sufficiently strengthened to retain their new positions.
For your complimentary eyelift please see
Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Brides Slim Down for 'The Big Day'
Weight Management Chewing Gum Helps Turn Vow Into WOW! NEW YORK -- Between managing the caterer, florist, bridesmaids, your family, his family, and work, what bride has time to focus on dieting? With planning and some helpful tips, you can avoid becoming Bridezilla by chewing a weight-management gum that can help you fit into that dream dress, turning that vow into wow.
An easy step to achieving your ideal weight is to raise your body's metabolism and curb your appetite with Nutra-Trim weight management gum. Together with a sensible diet and light exercise, it's a recipe for weight loss success. It's available in stores nationally, see .
"It's not magic, but it really does work," says Kevin Gass, co-founder of GumRunners, LLC. Nutra-Trim is made with natural ingredients, Green Tea, L- Carnitine and Chromium, ingredients clinically proven to increase metabolism and help control cravings and are recognized by the FDA as safe.
Fifty percent of gum chewers already chew gum to avoid snacking. Now, instead of an ordinary piece of gum, brides chewing Nutra-Trim get the extra benefits of increased metabolism and reduced cravings. This new weight management gum is a smash hit, recently appearing on The Today Show during "Take It Off Today, Quick Fix Diet Tricks."
Perhaps the groom is a little overweight? Not surprising since 71percent of men are overweight according to the CDC. Giving Nutra-Trim gum to the groom can really help him keep within his cummerbund.
These tips can help boost weight loss:
*Sleep -- Missing 16 minutes of sleep a day is associated with a 10-point increase in body mass.
*Chew Gum -- Chewing gum by itself has been proven to reduce stress -- and preparing for "The Big Day" is a top 10 stressful activity! Nutra-Trim Gum takes gum chewing to a new level by adding weight management ingredients.
*Yoga -- Exercise and Relaxation are a great weight loss combination.
*Carry a bottle of water everywhere -- surprisingly drinking water reduces water weight.
*If you cannot make time for a workout, pump up your activities; do chair squats or lunges around your home or office (a great way for getting your butt honeymoon-ready!)
Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:17 PM 0 comments
Skin care provider turns anti-aging war to hair care
ermaplus, a New York-based provider of anti-aging skin care solutions, has turned its attentions to anti-aging treatments for hair care with the launch of a new scalp conditioner, Keracyte.
The product is derived from the company's patented active ingredient Elastatropin, which forms a key ingredient in its anti-wrinkle treatment DermaLastyl.
It says that Keracyte has been formulated to stimulate hair follicles to make existing hair shafts thicker, stronger and longer, giving an impression of more luxurious and youthful looking hair.
However, the product also contains a catalytic anti-oxidant, Prolisel, which the company says protectects against the damaging effects of UV light and dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
DHT is thought to be 30 times more potent than testosterone and is responsible for many cases of male pattern baldness, whereas UV light has been attributed with speeding up the aging and thinning process in hair follicles.
"We believe that healthy skin is the key to healthy hair growth. It is widely known that hereditary hair loss occurs when DHT and UV light damage cells in scalp follicles," said Dr. Burt Ensley, PhD, CEO of Dermaplus.
Dr. Ensley went on to describe how the follicles get progressively smaller, shortening the hair growth cycle and eventually resulting in thinner and shorter follicles, and ultimately no hair growth.
"We know that human hair follicles are little factories associated with and responsible for production of proteins such as elastin and keratin," he continued. "Not only is tropoelastin produced by the cells in the hair follicles but the follicles themselves appear to depend on it."
The company says that to combat the age-related thinning and balding process in hair follicles, it has turned to the same process it uses ints DermaLastyl anti-wrinkle treatment.
This is because testing carried out by the company showed that the hair follicle growth responds and is encouraged by both elastatropin and prolisel.
Other ingredients included in the formulation include matrixyl 3000, argireline, hyaluronic acid, provitamin B, germaben and ProliSel
Dr. Ensley also says that some of the individuals using the treatment have reported that it has led to natural hair color being restored.
Increasingly hair care providers are turning their attentions to products that claim to have restorative properties, as the big race for increasingly effective anti-aging treatments spills into the hair care segment.
Perhaps the most high profile example of this has been the recent global launch from Unilever with a new line of Dove hair care products targeting mature women and their specific hair care requirements.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Quick-Med snaps up anti-aging patent
Quick-Med Technologies, a Florida-based life sciences company, has signed a patent license agreement with the University of Michigan for a technology that fights chronological aging and photo-aging.
Quick-Med says that the patent, which was developed by the university as a cosmetic treatments for a variety of skin conditions, mainly age-related, will add significantly to its existing MultiStat technology.
The company has added the University of Michigan patent to its portfolio in response to the growing demand for increasingly effective active ingredients aimed at reversing visible signs of skin aging.
The addition of the U-M patents means that the company now has exclusive patent rights for use of seven US patents and numerous international patents for cosmetics applications that were previously non-exclusive.
It says that the license gives it exclusive rights to commercialize important patents that will lead to the development of cosmetic products incorporating anti-aging properties.
MultiStat is derived from Matrix Metalloproteinases Inhibitors (MMPI), which work to regulate adverse skin cell reactions that include increased skin cell degradation and collagen depletion.
The technology consists of over 10 patented compounds and patented formulae for developing other compounds, which have been clinically proven to counteract the effects of photo or natural skin aging, in turn reducing the number and depth of facial wrinkles in both males and females.
The company has been commercializing its MultiStat technology through an exclusive distribution agreement with the fine chemicals division of the BASF Corporation.
This agreement means that compounds formulated using MultiStat technology are sold to leading cosmetics companies worldwide.
"These patents significantly extend our patent estate in the cosmetics arena," stated Michael Granito, Chairman of Quick-Med Technologies.
"Exclusive rights should give us the ability to strengthen our position in the market," Granito added.
Currently the global anti-aging market is estimated to be worth approximately $50 billion dollars, a figure that is expected to hit $56 billion by 2007 - growth that many analysts believe will continue at break-neck speed in coming years.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 3:57 PM 0 comments