Bekas jerawat/flek pada wajah sangat menjengkelkan. Bagaimana cara menghilangkannya?
Cucilah muka dengan dengan air kelapa hijau dan biarkan kering sampai kurang lebih satu jam. Setelah itu, cucilah dengan air dingin. Manfaat ramuan ini selain menghilangkan flek2 juga bisa membuat kulit halus dan licin.
Air cucian beras yang berwarna putih seperti santan, disaring dan diendapkan satu malam. Airnya kita buang hasil endapannya dioleskan pada wajah yang terdapat flek atau bekas jerawat, setelah kering lalu bilas dengan air. Lakukan kegiatan ini secara rutin agar mendapatkan kulit yang bersih dan putih.
Sediakan susu murni dan jeruk nipis, campur kedua bahan tsb, lalu oleskan ke muka tunggu sampai kering, lalu bilas dengan air hangat. Selain membantu menghilangkan flek2 juga membuat kulit kita menjadi putih bercahaya.

Saturday, May 26, 2007
Menghilangkan Flek-flek Hitam Pada Wajah
Posted by Ayu Chan at 6:51 PM 2 comments
Bedak Jerawat
2 ruas temu giring
2 ruas kunyit
1 butir jebuk sari
1 buah kulit jeruk purut
Temugiring dalam ramuan ini berguna untuk menghaluskan kulit, sedangkan kunyit kerap dipakai sebagai bahan kosmetik. Jebuk sari berkhasiat antikuman, dan kulit jeruk untuk membersihkan kulit.
Cara Membuat:
Kupas semua bahan dan cuci bersih. Lalu tumbuk semua bahan hingga halus. Pulung tanaman tsb, menjadi beberapa butir dan jemur hingga kering betul. Setelah itu, ambil 1 butir bedak jerawat, beri sedikit air dan usapkan ke wajah. Biarkan beberapa waktu, setelah kering, cuci wajah anda dengan air hangat.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 6:48 PM 1 comments
Jamu bebas jerawat
2 tanaman lenglengan (daun, batang, akar)
1 jari rimpang kunyit
1 jari rimpang temulawak
½ genggam daun sambiloto
Lenglengan, kunyit, temulawak dan daun sambiloto diketahui berkhasiat membantu fungsi hati untuk membersihkan zat-zat racun dalam darah dan menyembuhkan peradangan.
Cara Membuat:
Kupas kulit kunyit dan temulawak. Lalu cuci bersih semua bahan. Rebus semua bahan dengan 3 gelas air hingga mendidih. Setelah itu api dikecilkan dan ramuan dimasak hingga airnya tinggal ½ bagian. Saring, saat akan diminum beri sedikit gula aren/madu, aduk dan minum 2xsehari, tiap hari.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Membuat obat jerawat yang diminum
Untuk berusaha mengobati kulit muka yang berjerawat, selain dengan cara penyegaran dan dengan cara memakai bedak obat jerawat, masih ada usaha lain yaitu dengan membuat ramuan yang diminum. Adapun resepnya adalah:
Temulawak kira2 : 2 kali ibu jari
Kencur kira2 : 2 kali ibu jari
Asam : 1 tangkai
Jinten : ½ sendok teh
Gula aren : secukupnya.
Cara membuatnya: bahan 1 dan 2 dikupas kulitnya dicuci bersih, bahan 3 dan 4, 5 dicampur dengan bahan 1, terus direbus dengan ½ gelas (375 cc) dan tinggalkan 1 gelas (250 cc), ramuan tsb kalau sudah hangat suam-suam kuku terus diminum.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 6:43 PM 0 comments
Merawat Kulit Muka yang Berjerawat
Perawatan kulit muka atau wajah dengan menghilangkan jerawatPenyakit jerawat atau kukul yang biasanya menjangkit pada anak-anak muda, baik pria maupun wanita. Jerawat ini rasanya tidak sakit tetapi bagi yang terjangkit ini biasanya merasa malu dan berusaha menghilangkannya.
Penyakit ini antara lain disebabkan:
Kurang keluarnya keringat karena tidak pernah bekerja yang berat
Karena darah kotor
Karena pengaruh alkohol disebabkan kosmetik yang tidak cocok
Terlalu banyak makan zat minyak atau yang mengandung lemak, seperti: kacang, kedelai, kwaci, susu dan sebagainya.
Cara merawat kulit muka /wajah, teruatama yang berjerawat ada dua macam: Pembersihan yang diikuti penyegaran dan perawatan dengan memakai bedak dingin.
Cara perawatan kulit muka dengan penyegaran ialah:
Kalau akan tidur kulit muka kita gosok2 dengan irisan tomat atau dengan irisan ketimun. Pagi harinya kita mencari handuk terus masukkan ke dalam air hangat, lalu usapkan ke muka. Air hangat ini gunanya untuk menghilangkan lemak2 pada kulit muka kita.
Cara perawatan kulit muka yang kedua dengan memakai bedak dingin:
Tepung beras : ¼ liter
Tepung pati bengkoang : 2 ons
Kayu manis : ¼ ons
Kayu mesoyi : ¼ ons
Klebet : 1 sendok teh
Kencur : ¼ ons
Adas : 1 sendok teh
Buah pinang : 2 biji
Cara membuatnya: beras direndam selama 12 jam, kemudian disaring dan disiram dengan air yang bersih supaya baunya hilang. Kemudian beras ditumbuk lalu diayak agar menjadi tepung.
bahan 1 dan 2 dicampur menjadi Satu
bahan nomor 3, 4 dan 5 digoreng sampai menjadi kuning kehitam-hitaman (menjadi masak)
bahan nomor 6 dikupas, diiris tipis-tipis dan dicuci terus dijemur sampai kering, lalu bahan2 tadi digiling agar menjadi tepung ramuan, kemudian diayak diambil yang paling bagus.
Khasiat bedak obat jerawat ini adalah bagi yang berjerawat untuk mengobati jerawat, dan bagi yang tidak berjerawat untuk mencegah timbulnya jerawat.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 6:39 PM 0 comments
Pisang ambon penghalus muka
Untuk mendapatkan wajah yang halus alami. Anda dapat menggunakan pisang ambon dan madu murni sebagai masker pelembab kulit. Caranya: oleskan pisang yang telah diremas-remas dan dicampur madu secukupnya pada wajah anda sebagai masker. Biarkan 20 menit, setelah itu lembabkan wajah dengan kain bersih yang telah direndam ke dalam air hangat dan terakhir bilas dengan air dingin. Resep ini baik terutama untuk jenis kulit kering, karena pisang ambon mengandung zat tepung yang dapat menyehatkan kulit. Semoga penampilan anda hari ini lebih baik dan wajah anda lebih mulus daripada hari kemarin.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 6:37 PM 0 comments
Manfaat jeruk nipis
Ambil 1 buah jeruk nipis, belah lalu oleskan keseluruh muka dan leher, tunggu beberapa menit sampai kering, setelah itu bilas dengan air hangat. Lakukan hal ini seminggu dua kali, manfaatnya dapat membuat kulit muka bersih, halus dan mencegah jerawat.
Bila pergelangan kaki kebawah terasa lelah, rendamlah dengan air hangat yang telah diberi beberapa perasan jeruk nipis.
Biasakan siku dan lutut anda dibasuh dengan sebutir jeruk nipis, khasiatnya selain membuat putih juga kelihatan indah dan mulus.
Bila anda ingin bibir yang merah alami, belah jeruk nipis oleskan ke bibir, setelah itu diamkan sejenak. Niscaya bibir menjadi merah alami dan menawan.
Untuk mencegah dan mengurangi ketombe juga rambut rontok, rawatlah rambut anda dengan perasan air jeruk nipis. Caranya: carilah jeruk nipis lalu belah dua. Kemudian belahan jeruk nipis tersebut gosokkan pada kulit kepala tempat tumbuhnya rambut.
Jeruk nipis yang dicampur dengan air hangat/teh hijau dapat menahan rasa lapar dan melangsingkan badan.
Untuk mengempiskan (mengecilkan) perut yang buncit, ambil jeruk nipis 1 sendok makan, kapur sirih basah 1 sendok teh, minyak kayu putih 1 sendok teh, ketiga bahan tsb dicampur lalu oleskan pada perut dan pinggang hingga merata. Tunggu sampai kering lalu pakailah stagen atau korset untuk mengikat.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 6:34 PM 0 comments
Mengencangkan kulit muka
Pucuk daun jambu biji dapat berkhasiat mengencangkan kulit muka. Caranya mudah sekali, ambil saja lima lembar pucuk daun jambu biji, tambahkan air sedikit, lalu remas-remas daun jambu itu sampai hancur, usapkan pada kulit muka hingga rata. Biarkan kira2 5-10 menit dan bilas dengan air bersih. Hasilnya dapat anda buktikan.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 6:31 PM 0 comments
Jamu penghalus kulit
Untuk mendapatkan kulit yang halus dan lembut, bukan saja dengan melakukan perawatan luar, melainkan juga harus dari dalam. Antara lain dengan minum jamu, atau ramuan tradisional lainnya, bahkan juga vitamin. Berikut resep untuk perawatan badan dari dalam.
Ambil 2 ruas jari kunyit, kupas dan parut. Tambahkan pada parutan kunyit ½ cangkir air hangat, lalu saring. Masukkan 1 butir kuning telur ayam kampung. Tambahkan 1 sendok makan madu murni. Aduk sampai tercampur rata. Minumlah ramuan ini 3-5 hari sekali. Selain untuk menghaluskan kulit, jamu ini juga berkhasiat untuk mencegah timbulnya jerawat dan menambah stamina kita.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 6:14 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 25, 2007
Beauty creams 'really do work'
Beauty creams which contain retinol really do fight wrinkles, according to the latest research.
Scientists in the US have found that lotions containing retinol, which is otherwise known as vitamin A, or pro-retinol compounds fight the signs of ageing and have a significant rejuvenating effect on skin; reducing wrinkles, roughness and severity of ageing.
The retinol in face creams increases production of two vital skin components - glycosaminoglycan and procollagen, which also make skin more likely to withstand injury and the formation of ulcers.
Dr Reza Kafian, who led the research, told the Daily Mail: 'In natural ageing, skin loses its youthful appearance by becoming thinner, laxer and more finely wrinkled.
'Thinner skin results from a reduced production of the protein collagen. Retinol improves fine wrinkles associated with natural ageing.'
However retinol can cause redness and irritation because it sensitises the skin to sunlight and it may also be dangerous for pregnant women to have too much vitamin A.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 3:28 AM 0 comments
Does Shaving Against The Grain Cause Thicker Hair Growth?
Shaving has always carried with it some interesting misconceptions. And for years, people have believed that shaving against the grain would cause the hair to grow back thicker and denser.
Well, your hair follicles are preprogrammed before birth to do what they’re going to do for your lifetime. Men prone to baldness are genetically programmed for it before they even have a hair on their heads and people prone to excess body hair are built that way from the womb. Shaving doesn’t wake up dormant hair follicles to produce hair. And so far as shaving against the grain versus shaving with the grain, it doesn’t make a difference to the hair. It continues its happy life cycle of growth.
Study after study dating back to the 1920’s has shown and confirmed that shaving has no effect on hair growth rates or density. Shaving does, however, change the appearance of the hair. Whether with the grain or against the grain, shaving results in a blunt, squared off end to the hair. Whereas the naturally growing hair had a smooth taper to it, the shaved hair, as it grows, maintains its square end, giving it the appearance of a thicker hair when, in reality, it’s the same diameter as it always was at the base, just minus the tapered end.
And of course most hair is lighter at the end than it is at the root – both from genetic programming and from the lightening effects of exposure to sun and skincare products. So when you shave off that lighter end, you are left with the darker coloration that was always there at the root, giving that hair a darker look as it grows out.
The reality is that the hair is the same diameter and same natural color as it always was at the root.
Now shaving against the grain versus with the grain makes absolutely no difference as far as your hair is concerned. You’re still cutting it off below the skin and it’s still growing back.
There are, however, some other effects of shaving against the grain that warrant some discussion. For instance, shaving against the grain can cut the hair off at an angle, leaving a sharp point that can be more prone to lodging in the skin and becoming an ingrown hair. This condition, called pseudofolliculitis barbae or "razor bumps," is much more common in men’s beards than on women’s legs, but can still be an issue in the underarm and bikini areas.
Shaving against the grain can also cause more skin irritations since you usually pull the skin taut to shave in that direction. Pulling the skin can help to get a closer shave, but it also causes your razor – even the most lubricated of blades – to act as a sharp metal exfoliant, literally scraping the top layer of skin off your body.
So even though shaving against the grain won’t cause your hair to grow thicker or denser, the act of shaving in that direction can cause inflammation and irritation. So if you simply have to shave against the grain to get the smoothness you’re looking for, be sure to use a clean blade and lots of shaving lubricant.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 3:26 AM 0 comments
UK skin whitening market expands
24/05/2007 - Ingredients provider Alban Muller is one of the first European companies to pick up on the growing desire for skin whitening outside of Asia, where it is a presiding trend, launching a new 'White' range.
Targeting female consumers who are seeking a brighter complexion, the White range is made up of a day cream, night cream, boosting serum, dark spot concentrate and tonic water.
Skin whitening has long since been a booming trend in Asia, where pale skin is culturally desirable, causing the market becoming over-run with products that claim whitening properties.
Europe has been slower on the uptake, with tanned skin notably the more desired skin tone for most consumers. However, the new range from Alban Muller shows a notable turn around in European manufacturers thoughts towards the trend - indicating that it is set to become a larger part of the European skin care market
The company has used 'main core actives' to create the line, such as ascophylle, liquorice, pearl protein, tangerine, bamboo extracts and AHA 4 flowers - ingredients all known for their whitening properties.
With the range also said to 'brighten' the skin, Alban Muller is strategically targeting both the whitening and brightening market, which is now considered to be a desirable diversification from skin whitening.
Companies, such as Clinique, are now targeting the large ethnic communities in Europe and the US, as well as Asia, with products that offer alternative solutions to the dramatic results of skin whitening.
Briony Davies, cosmetics and toiletries manager for market research analysts Euromonitor said "The whitening market is now so full it is becoming stagnant, which is allowing for more micro-segmentation from manufacturers into the skin brightening area - catering for consumers who want a brighter complexion, without the harsh effects of whitening products".
Indeed, many consumers do not necessarily feel that having white skin conveys 'beauty', but are attracted to the overall tone that skin whitening products give.
According to data from market research analysts Mintel the US and Japan have seen the most activity, however, the UK has also been targeted as a launch pad for many manufacturers keen to capitalise on the growing trend.
Vitage has launched a brightening skin renewal facial kit that uses a serum formulation to brighten the skin whilst also reducing sun spots and pigmentation.
Likewise, personal care giants Proctor and Gamble (P&G) has targeted Ireland for the launch of its Olay Regenerist replenishing cream that contains a new peptide, camosine, which is said to have 30 per cent more anti-oxidant strength and boosts skin cell renewal to give an all over brighter effect.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 3:22 AM 0 comments
How to Remove Artificial Nails
Removing artificial nails can be a difficult and painful task. If possible, get artificial nails removed at the salon. Nail technicians us special tools and salon strength products that help remove nails painlessly and effectively. If it is not possible to get to the salon to have your artificial nails removed, consider a few tips to help make the job a bit easier.
Soak Nails to be Removed
First, soak the nails to be removed in warm water for a few minutes. Add a few drops of sesame oil or olive oil for extra moisture if your fingers are already dry. Soaking your nails will prepare them for comfortably being worked with and make sure you do not split or crack your skin.
Loosen the Nail with Non-acetone Nail Polish Remover
Non-acetone remover is less harsh on your natural nails, and should be used before acetone remover to try to soften and loosen the nail. Soak nails in remover for several minutes and rub off polish and top layers of artificial enamel with a cotton rag. Do not soak a nail that has an open cut or scratch to avoid stinging.
Be Careful with Nail Removal Tools
Manicuring tools used to remove artificial nails at home can damage your natural nail that is already weakened due to the artificial nail on top. If you try to use scissors, you could accidentally puncture your nail bed when trying to pry up a piece of acrylic or silicone. Poking and prying with a nail file can rip your nails and pry them away from the skin causing infections. Remember to keep soaking your nails, and start at the beginning of the process several times before expecting the nails to be totally removed.
Use Acetone Remover for Stubborn Nails
Acetone nail polish remover will help loosen and remove what the non-acetone nail polish couldn`t handle. Be careful of cuts on your fingers and use patience when trying to remove the nail.
Oil Your Natural Nails to Help Them Re-hydrate
Artificial nails dry out your nails because they do not allow your nails to breathe. Warm a little sesame oil or extra virgin olive oil and soak your nails for 10 to 15 minutes for a hydrating treatment.
File Down the Excess Left on the Nail
There is a good chance you will not be able to remove every inch of silicone or acrylic bonded to your nail. For spots that are rugged, gently use a soft file to smooth down the nail, and buff it afterwards.
Moisturize your Hands
After soaking your fingers in harsh chemical solutions and picking at them, reward them with a gentle moisturizer. Sleep with cotton socks or moisture mitts for the maximum treatment.
source :
Posted by Ayu Chan at 3:21 AM 0 comments
Medussa and Carrie’s team up for an all round beauty solution
The grand opening of the new combined Medussa/Carrie’s Beauty Salon takes place this Saturday evening, May 26, at 7pm at their premises in Church Street, Athlone. Celebratory food and drink will be provided, and Medussa and Carrie’s would like to invite all of their past and present customers to attend.
As Carrie’s Beauty Salon now joins forces with Medussa, at 9 Church Street, Athlone, the convenience of being able to get your locks trimmed downstairs and then pop upstairs for a treatment at Carrie’s is sure to be a great success.
The expertise and reputation of Carrie’s as an indepedent salon has been built up over three years. The salon continues to offer exclusive Yonka facial and body treatments, Opera make-up, and China Glaze Nail Care, in addition to manicure, waxing, electrolysis, and sunbeds. Their range of He-Shi tanning products provides a fresh, natural look for non-streaky summer skin.
Medussa preserves its fantastic range of styling, hair treatment, and colour correction. Under the guidance of Roisin Carlin and her team, Medussa will certainly continue to offer superb service.
Medussa specialise in weddings and upstyles, and members of the team are constantly upgrading their skills in styles and colour training. Creative colour is a specialisation, with Roisin and new addition Deirdre having recently undertaken a course with world leaders Mahogany of London. According to Roisin, the bob continues to be a big trend, but with a different slant - the current bob is more versatile and asymmetrical. Customers are now going for colour placements as opposed to full head colour. Big news for the summer is the re-emergence of natural hair - long straightened hair is out and curly hair is in.
source :
Posted by Ayu Chan at 3:16 AM 0 comments
sweets for the skin
Do you consider yourself a chocoholic? Does your sweet tooth begin to bite in the middle of the afternoon? While you may not want to indulge in sweet treats that can expand your waistline, you don’t have to give them up altogether. The good news is that sweets can still be a part of your normal routine – as long as you are using them in your skin care program rather than your diet. Delicious, decadent yummies like sugar, chocolate and honey can actually do wonders to your skin, and provide you with a whiff of something delectable at the same time. Whether you head to the spa for your sweet treatment or mix up a batch of cleanser at home, sweets can bring out the best in your skin.
Chocolate and Sugar and Honey, Oh My!
Chocolate therapy is a popular method to put the luster back into dry skin. You can find chocolate products for hair care, bath and body, and scented candles that will give you the complete aromatherapy experience. The smell of chocolate can stimulate the production of endorphins within the body, which can lead to relaxation, making chocolate good for the mind as well as the body. Of course, no one probably had to tell you that chocolate can make you feel good, but isn’t it nice to know that we can enjoy the benefits without the guilt of the calories?
There are few things that will feel more luxurious to your skin than a sugar scrub. You can find these products at any number of beauty supply shops or spas, or you can whip up a batch of your own in the comfort of your own kitchen. Try combining oats and brown sugar for a delightfully sweet scrub that will moisturize extremely dry skin. Combining pumpkin with sugar will result in a scrub that will satisfy the most discerning pumpkin pie lover. For the ultimate sugar scrub, combine white cane sugar with an oil like avocado oil, a bit of aloe gel and a couple of drops of essential oils for a truly moisturizing and cleansing scrub.
Honey is another sweet ingredient that will soften your skin. You can combine honey with any number of products to create a scrub or a moisturizer, depending on what your skin’s needs are. Try mixing honey with sweet almond oil for a decadent moisturizing experience. Honey is a great choice for skin that has been subjected to the elements all winter long, and a honey skin treatment will make you smell delicious as well.
If you have an insatiable sweet tooth, allow your skin to be indulged rather than your appetite. You will reap the benefits of your yummy treats and your skin and your waistline will be sure to thank you.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 3:11 AM 0 comments
ELISE MINTON & PAIGE HERMAN: Boost your beauty with honey
Honey has become a staple ingredient in some of today's most sought-after beauty products -- and for good reason. Besides its deliciously sweet scent, this natural moisturizer is hailed for its wide variety of therapeutic properties, such as the ability to keep skin hydrated and moist, as well as the power to fight against the signs of aging. Plus, honey is an anti-irritant, so it is safe to use on even the most sensitive skin.
Benefits of honey
Derived from the hives of honeybees, honey is a natural humectant, meaning it attracts and retains moisture. Honey contains essential vitamins such as B5 and panothenic acid. It's also full of minerals like zinc and magnesium, which increase the skin's moisture retention. And it improves cell production and scalp circulation. Honey also contains loads of enzymes and amino acids, making it a powerful antibacterial ingredient that is excellent for treating acne, as well as reducing redness and inflammation. Rich in antioxidants, honey also helps regenerate damaged tissue, deflect free radicals and improve skin tone and elasticity. To reap the full benefits, look for dark-colored honey, which contains more antioxidants than light-colored versions.
History of honey for cosmetic purposes
Using honey in beauty rituals dates back to ancient Egypt, when Cleopatra would bathe in a mixture of honey and milk to keep her skin feeling soft and looking young. Roman emperor Nero's wife, Poppea, was also a devotee of honey and milk, although she preferred to mix the ingredients together into a paste for a facial mask. Renowned Greek physician Hippocrates used honey to cure skin infections, infected wounds and ulcers on the lips, while Queen Anne of England would blend honey and oil together to form a hair serum that helped keep her locks thick, shiny and lustrous.
Can honey help prevent sun damage?
We all know that it's crucial to use sunscreen on a daily basis, but many chemical and physical barrier sunscreens contain ingredients that can cause skin irritation and reactions. Since honey is suitable for sensitive skin and is a natural moisturizer, it is currently being considered as a substitute ingredient for some of the harsh chemicals found in most sun blocks. Thanks to its natural antioxidant properties, honey also helps the skin to protect itself from the sun's damaging UV rays and also aids in skin cell rejuvenation.
Product picks
Facial cleanser: Soothe and soften skin with L'Occitane Comfort Cleansing Fluid, which features a blend of compounds from Provengal honey hives, protein-rich royal jelly and bisabolol extract. $20;
Facial scrub: Regular exfoliation is a must for a clean, clear complexion. In addition to honey (its thick consistency makes for the perfect base), Collective Wellbeing Honey Buff is jam-packed with natural ingredients like vitamin C to fight the signs of fine lines and wrinkles; rose hip seeds and lemon peel to exfoliate and echinacea to keep pore-clogging dirt at bay. $13;
Face mask: Great for avid travelers who experience dry skin from constantly being on the go, Apitiva Skin Food Mask with Honey leaves skin soft, refreshed and hydrated, thanks to a blend of honey and cereal proteins. The individually packaged masks also boast vitamins C, E and F for cell regeneration. $24 for a box of 6;
Facial moisturizer: Suitable for all skin types, Mario Badescu Honey Moisturizer neutralizes damaging free radicals that destroy collagen and elastin. Subtly scented and greaseless, this extremely absorbent moisturizer contains honey and orange extract to hydrate and nourish skin, leaving it velvety smooth. $25;
Shampoo: Formulated to calm itchy, dry, irritated scalps, Frederic Fekkai Sensitive Scalp Shampoo features a mixture of lavender and manuka honey to heal while moisturizing. A melange of botanicals gently removes excess sebum without drying or stripping the hair and scalp. $20;
Posted by Ayu Chan at 3:07 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Thought the spa is just for women? Guess again
Treatment: Facialiscious facial
Who needs this treatment?
Both women and men.
I'll admit, I got talked into it. They needed a male guinea pig for this spa feature and I willingly put up my hand. Why? Well I guess I've always been tempted to try a spa treatment, but it's not something I'd admit (I'm a carpenter).
At Skoah in Yaletown, they say 30 per cent of their clientele who book in for the Facialiscious facial are men. So there you go.
Facials aren't just for ladies. And I'm glad I went.
The pretty "skin care trainer" who did my facial was chipper, friendly and stylish, reflecting the spa's young urbanite image. She examined my skin and told me I was in need of some hydration.
I can't believe how many steps there are to cleaning your face. There was cleansing, then toning, exfoliating and masks to hydrate my parched skin. It was all very pleasing, especially when she
massaged my shoulders, arms, hands and feet.
Most pleasing moment
Definitely the massages in between treatments, like the scalp massage.
Most teeth-gritting moment
When she was squeezing blackheads on the tip of my nose -- but she was gentle.
How did you feel after?
Relaxed and fresh. My face felt really smooth and clean.
Treatment details
The Facialiscious costs $90 and lasts for one hour and 15 minutes.
Skoah has two locations in B.C. -- 1011 Hamilton St. in Yaletown and Unit 314 at Metropolis at Metrotown. Phone 1-888-my-skoah or visit
How often do you have to get it done?
Whenever you feel like having a really relaxing hour and being pampered. It was nice being waited on.
Spa details
They play upbeat, relaxing music, rather than hippie stuff. It's really modern and stylish inside.
source :
Posted by Ayu Chan at 5:06 PM 0 comments
Say hello to summer skin
Katya Holloway, Vancouver Sun
Published: Thursday, May 17, 2007
Parched skin, neglected nails, furry legs? Get your body ready for the sunny weather with a must-do spa treatment, as roadtested by us.
Spa: Spa Utopia
Signature Massage
Who needs this treatment?
Feeling stressed? Popping headache pills like breath mints? Or simply in need of some "me" time?
I walked in to Spa Utopia on a Friday afternoon with a brain-crushing headache that couldn't be numbed by extra-strength painkillers. My back ached from hunching over a computer all week, and my thoughts were buzzing and zapping like an electric power station.
I needed to wind... down....
Within minutes, I was wrapped in a towel and sweating away the day's grime in a steam room. Next came my treatment -- a 75-minute, luxurious massage -- which miraculously erased my migraine and left me feeling energized.
Most pleasing moment
The most unique step in this full-body rubdown was when my therapist, Laurie, placed hot stones down my spine. Lying face-down on my stomach with a sheet separating my skin from the rocks, the combination of the weight and heat really relaxed the muscles. Another unexpected delight was the foot rub, which was almost as euphoric as the neck massage.
Biggest teeth-gritting moment
Teeth-gritting? As if. This treatment is purely blissful. It's a light, satisfying massage that tenderly rubs away sore spots.
How did you feel after?
I felt like a rock star. Returning to the lounge area in my robe, I sipped my glass of white wine and secretly eyed my fellow spa-goers. I could have hung out in that lounge area all evening, just flicking through magazines and hiding from the busy city streets.
Treatment details
The Signature Massage at Spa Utopia lasts 75 minutes and costs $145.
How often do you need to get it done?
Whenever you're in need of a mental and physical kick-start.
Spa details
I would classify Spa Utopia as a high-end spa, with super-friendly staff, a ritzy decor and quality products. The downtown Vancouver location is simply divine inside, with high ceilings, little platters of dried fruit and nuts to nibble on, and that luxurious, lazy aura you so desire in a spa. They also have locations in Langley and North Vancouver. Vancouver: 604-641-1351; North Van: 604-980-3977; Langley: 604-539-8772;
source :
Posted by Ayu Chan at 5:04 PM 0 comments
Eastern Pa. spa lets patients preserve own stem cells
The Associated Press
EASTON, Pa. - A township medical spa that specializes in skin care and anti-aging programs is now collecting and storing adult stem cells through a new procedure used in only two other clinics nationwide.
Azani Medical Spa announced an agreement with New York-based NeoStem that will make the spa the first in the region to collect adult stem cells. Once collected, they will be stored at a laboratory in Los Angeles.
Patients at Azani Medical Spa can undergo a three-hour procedure in which a stimulating agent activates the body's stem cell production and then the cells are removed by drawing blood and cryogenically freezing the cells, said Dr. Monica Gavin, who founded the spa in September 2005.
The procedure costs roughly $6,750, and NeoStem stores the stem cells for an annual $400 fee.
The procedure has significant benefits, Gavin said, noting that a body won't reject cells that come from the same body's tissue.
NeoStem president Mark Weinreb said the cells have a long life expectancy and will outlive many of their patients. The stem cells deteriorate by about 3 percent every 20 years, Weinreb said.
Stem cells are used to treat chronic congestive heart failure, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease and heal wounds, among other uses.
Dr. Robin Smith, CEO and chairman of NeoStem, said more than 700 clinical trials are investigating future stem cell applications.
"Every day there are new stories of people looking at stem cells as a mainstay for therapy," Smith said.
Kevin Mannix, a former Penn State University football player who played for the 1975 team, said he has decided to preserve his stem cells because his father died from a heart attack at a young age.
When he initially investigated stem cell storage, he was deterred because of the invasive procedure that used a bone marrow transplant from the hip and had a five-day recovery time. The new procedure has quelled his uncertainties.
"This seemed to be the most sound and reasonable option to protect my future. I am definitely a believer in being proactive for my health. I go to the gym and maintain a healthy diet and this I felt is the natural progression," said Mannix, a consultant with NeoStem who lives in Long Island, N.Y.
Although NeoStem patients have not yet requested to use their adult stem cells, Lehigh Valley Hospital spokesman Matthew Burns said an orthopedic surgeon there repaired a rotator cuff with stem cells.
"Basically we helped repair this gentleman's shoulder with his own stem cells. They injected his own stem cells into his shoulder," he said.
While patient Gary Davis had undergone surgery twice before, he told hospital personnel that the stem cell therapy resulted in a quicker recovery time and greater shoulder flexibility.
source :
Posted by Ayu Chan at 5:00 PM 0 comments
Bikini boot camp: Drop a dress size and lose a stone in just two weeks
Summer is almost here, but it's not too late to get your body beach-ready.
It might not seem possible to drop a dress size and lose up to a stone in two weeks, but stick to the diet and fitness regime devised by our health gurus to the stars and you could be flaunting your best figure ever.
Celebrity nutritionist and naturopath Max Tomlinson and fitness trainer David Kirsch, who count A-listers such as Liv Tyler and supermodels Heidi Klum and Linda Evangelista among their clients, claim you can lose inches and change your body shape, as long as you stick to their plan.
You will eat five small meals a day - you may even find you are eating more than usual. But because the food is healthy, you will be losing pounds.
And as this is a diet combined with exercise, you will lose up to eight per cent of your body fat - that weight will stay off as your body becomes a fatburning machine. The best thing is that after two weeks, you'll find crisps, chocolate and other unhealthy foods no longer seem appealing.
"Naturopaths have always said you are what you eat, but I believe exercise plays an important role in helping you to come to the right decisions about what to put in your body," says Max. David Kirsch agrees: "You learn what foods will get you up and about and which will make you slump on the sofa." The idea is that you go on a healthy food detox.
The combination of healthy eating - fresh, organic, seasonal foods instead of processed and refined meals - and strenuous muscle-toning exercise will act as a cleanser for your body.
Your skin and hair will look great and you will have lots of extra energy. There's one catch: to get great results, there can be no half-measures. This is not for the faint-hearted. Your dare-to-bare action plan starts today!
THE EATING PLAN Your body is a sensitive, intuitive organ, says leading naturopath Max Tomlinson. Based in London, Australianborn Max combines naturopathy and nutrition, offering a holistic approach to healthy eating to his clients - a mix of A-list celebs, socialites and royalty.
"You need to be clever with your diet to see optimum results, especially within a relatively short time-frame," he says.
"Crash dieting or starvation will only lead to weight gain down the line. In the short term, you are likely to lose weight from all the wrong places - usually your face and breasts - rather than your thighs and tummy."
Working on the basis of calorie expenditure exceeding intake, Max's golden rules for slimming safely include:
•Kick-start your metabolism. To lose weight, you must eat regularly. Start skipping meals and your body will store the little food you do eat, often laying it down as fat rather than burning it immediately as a source of energy.
Breakfast is by far the most important meal and will raise your metabolic rate - meaning food is used effectively for the rest of day, helping to burn fat and encourage weight loss.
Go for a protein-rich breakfast of eggs, as the body uses more calories to digest protein than quick energy-releasing carbs, such as toast or cereal. Fruit salad is packed with energy-giving nutrients.
• Portion control. It's easy to overeat, especially with high protein meals. Aim to reduce your intake at every meal by up to 45 per cent.
• Aim to consume 1,000 calories a day - enough to encourage weight loss without affecting basal metabolic rates.
What to eat • Steer clear of empty calories. Make sure all the food you eat is seasonal, organic and nutrient rich, packed with vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and enzymes.
• Eat organic fish and lean meat; eggs; poultry; brown rice; brown wheat-free, yeast-free bread; oats and quinoa.
• Limit fruit to two portions a day, making up the remaining Recommended Daily Amount with three portions of vegetables.
• Stick to green, leafy vegetables, avoiding peas and sugar-rich root vegetables such as carrots, swede, sweet potato and parsnips.
• To regulate your blood sugar, eat a low GI snack mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Aim to have it half an hour before you normally feel hungry.
WHAT TO AVOID: All junk food. This includes packaged, processed or fried foods, white flour (including bread and pasta), alcohol and other stimulants such as coffee, tea and fizzy drinks.
Steer clear of saturated fats, not just animal fats, but hidden forms such as palm kernel oil found in ready-made meals, especially Thai food and fruit juice, which is packed with sugar.
Cut down on dairy - ideally, cut it out altogether and replace with goat, sheep or soya milk and cheese.
No refined sugar. Don't be fooled into thinking diet foods and 'skinny' options are OK because they are still empty calories.
Cut out all treats such as cakes, biscuits, crisps and chocolate - it is only for two weeks - and become a willpower hermit, putting your social life (and its associated temptations) on hold.
• Don't overdo the fluids. Most people drink too much water when they cut back on food, but going OTT on the H2O taxes your kidneys and waters down your digestive juices, reducing their overall efficacy. The result? Poor digestion, which leads to bloating.
• A lean, flat stomach calls for a healthy gut, so swap cold mineral water for warm herbal teas. Go for blends that aid digestion, such as lemon verbena, camomile and mint. Dandelion coffee will help detox your liver by breaking down fats, and also acts as a mild diuretic to reduce water retention.
• Stock up on supplements. Most of us suffer from a blood sugar disturbance, so counteract the dizzying side-effects of a calorie-reduced diet with chromium. Taking 200 micrograms with breakfast will also help to ease any hunger pangs.
• For added fibre (essential to weight loss) and again to help keep you satiated, take a heaped teaspoon of psyllium husks in a full glass of water before lunch.
• Diet for a maximum of 14 days, but a totally committed 14 days for best results, and appoint a mentor to help keep you on the straight and narrow. After familiarising them with the rules, keep a food diary and send it to them every day to monitor your progress and, finally, to ensure you return to a normal eating regime after your diet fortnight.
• Clean up Your Diet by Max Tomlinson (Duncan Baird, £12.99) is available in book stores and offers long-term advice on healthy eating. For more dietary advice, visit www.
Follow the exercise regime to lose weight
The man supermodels turn to when they need to get in shape for the runway is David Kirsch. His advice helped Liv Tyler and Heidi Klum lose their baby weight in weeks and can get you looking gorgeous for the beach.
"You can lose a lot of weight quickly by not eating, but you won't keep it off," he says.
"When you diet without exercise, at least half of your weight loss comes from lean body mass (that's muscle and non-fat tissue). This slows your metabolism, setting you up for weight regain as soon as you increase your food intake."
By following David's New York Fitness Plan for 14 days alongside the diet, you can slim while training your body to burn fat.
Before exercising, David recommends assessing the problem areas that need toning and to establish your basic level of fitness.
Stand in front of a mirror and jiggle your arms, bottom and legs. If everything stays motionless, you're fit and toned. If your skin is flapping, you need to work out more. The pre-workout test will gauge your starting point.
Perform with your back against a wall, making sure your thighs are parallel to the floor.
Make sure your knees don't jut out beyond your ankles and hold the position for as long as you can bear it, recording your time.
Around the world twists
Stand with your legs hip width apart, knees bent and holding a medicine ball, or 3kg dumb bells, above your head. Bend forward and to the right, bringing weight down to your right foot. Then reverse the motion returning to the upright position, before repeating on the left.
Continue for as long as you can, recording the number of movements from side to side.
Resting on your knees or on your feet with your legs extended. Perform as many as possible and note down the number.
Bend your standing leg slightly and raising the other knee as close to your chest as possible, without collapsing your spine and keeping your balance
Perform on alternate legs, keeping arms up, elbows bent, so your fists are in line with your jaw.
If you managed 15 repetitions of each exercise and can balance for at least 30 seconds in the knee lifts, you can start the programme. Otherwise, practice these moves daily until you can reach this standard.
Equip yourself with:
A stability ball: 5ft 4in or shorter, go for a 21in ball; 5ft5in to 5ft 11in, a 25in ball; 6ft or above, 29in ball.
Dumb bells
Start with 2lb or 3lb weights and move up to 5lb.
Medicine ball
Weighing between 2lb and 10lb, or 1kg and 4kg.
Perform at least one ten-minute workout a day for a fortnight. For best results, aim for three daily sessions.
Pile squats
Stand with feet hip width apart, feet turned out and with a dumb bell in each hand, palms facing in. Bring your weight into heels and squat down. As you squat, curl arms up to shoulders, keeping elbows tucked in. Hold the squat and push arms up, locking out elbows. Lower arms in the reverse order you raised them and come out of the squat. Do 20 to 30 repetitions.
Shadow boxing
With a dumb bell in each hand, hold abs tight and punch right arm diagonally out at torso level. As you pull back, bend into a squat. Push up and repeat with left hand.
Next perform an uppercut with your right hand, tucking elbow in and punching upwards. Sit back down again and, as you raise up to standing, repeat with left hand. Bend right arm and bring it up parallel with floor. Throw a hook punch to the left and sit back down again, repeating as you stand up, on the left side. Do sequence 20 to 30 times.
Incline dumbell on a stability ball
Rest shoulders on ball, feet out in front of you, knees at 90 degrees to floor, your body forming a flat plank. Grasping a dumb bell in each hand, raise them up to the ceiling from chest. Bend elbows to the side, bringing weights towards nipples into the starting position.
Lower arms out to side, elbows slightly bent and then press them in as if hugging a tree. Finally, keep hands close together and, arms extended, lower dumb bells overhead behind you. Rise, rest a moment and repeat 15 times.
Bench dips
Sit on floor, legs straight and heels on the stability ball. Place hands behind hips, fingers facing ball. Raise yourself off floor, elbows straight and then bend elbows, lowering bottom to floor without touching it. Extend elbows again and repeat 20 to 30 times.
Wide dumbbell rows on a stability ball
Lean tummy or chest on to ball, feet straight out behind you, toes touching floor. Take dumb bell in each hand and bend elbows as if rowing a boat, pulling weight up. Lower to the starting position. Repeat 15 to 20 times.
Repeat entire sequence for a total of ten minutes.
Reverse lunge with torso twist
With feet shoulder width apart, arms outstretched, hold a medicine ball in both hands. Keeping core stable, transfer weight into your heels. Lunge one foot backwards until front and back knee are at right angles. As you sink into the lunge, twist torso to left, then return to centre and extend legs, bringing feet back together. Repeat on the right side. Do 15 lunges on each side.
Good mornings with rotation
With feet shoulder width apart, hold stability ball overhead, keeping elbows soft. Bend knees slightly and bend forwards 90 degrees from hip, keeping arms near ears.
Keeping abs tight, reach forwards with fingers and back with your tailbone. Lift left shoulder blade to ceiling and lower right shoulder to floor, continuing to stretch. Hold for 15 seconds. Do 15 repetitions and then repeat on the other side.
Lie on back, holding stability ball between knees and shins, then extend legs at 90 degrees to torso.
Raise your arms overhead, and curl your tailbone toward your navel, lifting the ball up and over into your outstretched arms. Grasp the ball and lower your hands and the ball to the floor. Reverse the move passing the ball from your hands to your legs. Perform ten to 15 switches in total.
Trunk crunches
Lie on your back, knees bent and feet on the floor with your arms out to the side. Lift your feet until your thighs form a right angle with your ankles.
Keeping your lower back pressed into the floor, slowly lower your legs to the left until they just touch the floor. Slowly lift your legs back to the start position and repeat on the other side. Do ten to 15 on each side.
Double crunch with ball
Lie on back, pinching stability ball between knees and shins. Grasping medicine ball, take arms overhead. Bend knees and lift feet up until thighs are perpendicular to your torso.
Exhale as you simultaneously curl your tailbone and crunch upper body, bringing the two balls close together. Lower. Repeat ten to 15 times.
Forward and reverse crossover lunges with bicep curl
With feet shoulder width apart, grasp dumb bell in each hand and extend arms down by sides.
Take a large step diagonally forward to the 11 o'clock position with right leg, sinking down knee to form a right angle while performing a bicep curl.
Extend legs, raise right knee to chest and plant it behind you at the eight o'clock position and sink into a reverse lunge, with a bicep curl.
Repeat 15 to 20 times with right leg before switching to left, adopting the one o'clock and four o'clock positions.
Squat jumps with medicine ball
With feet slightly wider than hip width apart, hold the medicine ball out in front of your chest.
Squat down, keeping your knees above (not in front of) your toes.
Spring up, thrusting your arms overhead and tap your heels together before landing back in the start position.
Sumo lunge with sidekick and frog jump
Stand in a sumo position, knees bent and your body weight over your heels. Take a large step sideways with your right leg, bringing your right knee into your chest and over to the right in one continuous motion.
As soon as your foot touches the floor, bring your knee back into your chest and perform a side kick at hip height.
Lower your leg back into the sumo position and squat down, before springing up, arms overhead and landing with your feet hip width apart. Repeat on the left, performing ten moves each side.
Platypus walk with medicine ball
Sink into a plie squat, grasping medicine ball above head with both hands. Push bottom back as far as possible and, keeping core muscles tight, walk forward, pushing off through each heel.
Expect your bottom and inner thigh muscles to burn as you walk across the room in one direction and then reverse and walk backward.
Repeat the sequence for a total of ten minutes.
More ten-minute exercises for top-to-toe toning plus David's food and fitness plan are available in his latest book The Ultimate New York Diet (McGraw Hill, £14.99).
Start the day with cleansing hot lemon and ginger: Add the juice of one whole lemon and freshly-grated ginger to hot water and drink.
Breakfast: Berry fruit salad 5 of each of the following: blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries
1 green apple 1 pear
1 tsp (heaped) chopped raw nuts (almond, brazil and hazelnuts)
Method: Chop up all the fruit, sprinkle over the nuts, mix and serve.
Lunch: Chicken Ginger Skewers with Quinoa Tabbouleh Serves: 2
2x110g/4oz skinless organic chicken breasts in 1cm cubes
4 tbsp plus 2tsp extra virgin olive oil
4 tbsp plus 2tsp lemon juice
1/2 medium clove garlic, crushed
1 tsp fresh ginger, grated
1/2 tsp ground ginger
85g/3oz quinoa
Large bunch fresh flat-leaf parsley, coriander and mint, chopped
6 salad onions
To serve: Lemon quarters
Method: Soak four wooden skewers in water for ten minutes. Put the chicken, 2 tsp olive oil, 2 tsp lemon juice, garlic, fresh ginger and ground ginger in a bowl and stir to coat chicken. Leave for 15 minutes to marinade. Cook the Quinoa (see packet instructions) and cool. Put in a bowl with the chopped herbs, salad onions, 4 tbsp olive oil and 4tbsp lemon juice. Preheat grill to high. Skewer chicken and grill for three to four minutes on each side, until golden. Divide the quinoa on to two plates, top with the chicken skewers and serve with lemon quarters.
Dinner: Roast salmon and beetroot salad
4 small beetroot, unpeeled
1 medium red onion
2x110g/4oz salmon fillets
2 tbsp plus 2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
2 large handfuls watercress
2 tsp cider vinegar
Method: Preheat oven to 200c/ gas 6. Put the beetroot on a flat baking tray and roast for 30 minutes. Add onion and roast for a further 30 minutes. Remove from oven and cool slightly. Brush salmon with 2 tsp oil, put on a baking sheet and bake for ten minutes. Peel the cooked onion and beetroot and cut each into eight pieces. Put watercress, warm onion and beetroot into a large bowl. Add the vinegar and 2 tbsp olive oil and toss well. Divide between two plates and place salmon on top.
Snacks a snack mid-morning and mid-afternoon.
Choose from cucumber, radish and celery crudites, or one of the following: a handful of strawberries or raspberries; a green apple; three apricots; or a peach, pear or two plums.
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Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:51 PM 0 comments
Kulit Mulus Dengan Cara Murah Meriah
Siapa sih yang tidak ingin kulitnya halus dan mulus? Membuat kulit halus dan mulus ternyata bisa dengan cara MURMER alias murah meriah. Caranya mudah dengan memanfaatkan bahan makanan alami di sekitar kita. Apa saja dan bagaimana pemanfaatannya?
Berikut cara menggunakan bahan-bahan alami untuk menghaluskan kulit antara lain:
Serbuk kopi, penggunaannya dioleskan pada telapak tangan hingga kering, sehingga kulit akan halus.
Madu dicampur dengan jeruk nipis dan minyak zaitun. Oleskan pada wajah hingga terasa kencang. Madu ini mengandung multivitamin. Gunakan 2 hari sekali, diselingi dengan minyak zaitun.
Alpukat dilumatkan, kemudian ditambahkan minyak zaitun agar kulit menjadi tambah halus. Diamkan beberapa saat, lalu bersihkan dengan air.
Susu Murni (Sapi atau Kambing). Bisa dipakai untuk luluran, susu mengandung antioksidan dan kolagen alami. Susu murni dioleskan, tunggu sampai kering dan bilas dengan air dingin.
Lidah buaya, digunakan lendirnya untuk dioleskan pada wajah. Lendir lidah buaya ini mengandung minyak, emolien dan mosturizer alami.
Pepaya, dibuat sabun atau masker dan dipakai dengan ditempelkan di kulit selama beberapa saat sebelum akhirnya dibersihkan. Gunanya untuk kulit pecah-pecah.
Biji Cokelat mengandung theorobroma oil. Digunakan untuk peeling dengan scrub cokelat. Caranya: biji cokelat ditumbuk halus hingga menjadi tepung, lalu cokelat bubuk dicampur dengan white clay (tanah liat warna putih) dan tepung beras, lalu tambahkan air hingga berbentuk pasta, setelah itu oleskan ke kulit. Khasiatnya untuk membantu pengelupasan sel kulit mati.
Sediakan 1 gelas kecil jus Lemon. Beberapa batang kayu manis atau cinnamon untuk wewangian, dua sendok makan minyak zaitun, dan ¼ gelas susu. Jika anda kurang suka bau kayu manis, ganti saja dengan rempah-rempah atau bunga yang harumnya anda suka. Campurkan semua bahan-bahan ini dalam satu wadah. Lalu masukkan ke dalam bathtub atau bak mandi yang besar jika anda ingin menggunakannya untuk mandi. Atau cukup di baskom saja untuk sekedar merendam kaki misalnya. Berendamlah selama kira-kira 15 menit sambil menggosok-gosok kulit anda. Setelah itu bilas dengan air bersih lalu mandi dengan menggunakan sabun biasa. Setelah melakukan ini secara rutin selama beberapa minggu, kulit anada dijamin akan halus selembut sutera.
Air Kelapa berfungsi untuk menghilangkan jerawat dan mencegah kerutan di wajah. Tuang segelas air kelapa hijau dalam wadah berisi parutan 3 ruas kunyit. Biarkan semalam di lemari es. Setelah itu, bubuhkan tiga sendok teh bubuk cendana ke dalamnya. Simpan lagi selama tiga hari, kemudian saring ramuan dengan kain kasa. Oleskan sari larutan tersebut pada wajah yang berjerawat dua kali sehari sampai jerawat lenyap.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:50 PM 1 comments
Ramuan Kemiri Tolak Penuaan Dini
kemiri ternyata memiliki banyak khasiat khususnya untuk masalah penuaan dini
10 butir kemiri (bermanfaat menjaga kelembaban dan kekenyalan kulit).
1 cangkir santal kental (selain berkhasiat melembutkan kulit juga bisa membuat kulit kelihatan lebih cerah) atau anda bisa menggantinya dengan susu fullcream.
1 sendok makan parutan jahe (merupakan sumber energi yang baik bagi kulit sehingga mampu merangsang pembentukan sel kulit yang baru).
Cara Membuatnya:
Haluskan kemiri dengan setengah cangkir santan atau susu dalam blender.
Setelah halus, campur dengan parutan jahe. Aduk hingga rata.
Setelah selesai oleskan campuran tadi ke seluruh wajah. Diamkan sampai kering. Setelah kering gosok pelan-pelan agar sel kulit mati terangkat.
Basuhlah wajah dengan air hangat untuk mendapatkan tekstur kulit yang lembut, kenyal dan cerah.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:48 PM 0 comments
Masker Pisang Ambon (Untuk Semua Jenis Kulit
selain baik untuk pencernaan, pisang ambon juga berguna lho buat kulit wajah
Lumatkan satu buah pisang ambon yang matang
Oleskan pada wajah dan leher, biarkan mengering
Bisa dicampur dengan madu murni
Basuh dengan air dingin
Khasiat: mengempiskan jerawat dan menghaluskan kulit wajah.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:46 PM 0 comments
Masker Madu dan Susu Murni (Untuk Semua Jenis Kulit)
Campurkan 1 sdm madu murni dengan susu murni, campur bahan tersebut, lalu
Oleskan pada wajah dan leher. Biarkan mengering
Basuh dengan air hangat
Khasiat: menghaluskan, memutihkan, memberi cahaya pada wajah
Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:45 PM 0 comments
Masker Madu dan Oatmeal (Untuk Kulit Kusam dan Kering)
Campurkan satu kuning telur ayam kampung, sedikit madu dan segenggam oatmeal/havermut hingga mengental
Oleskan sambil ditekan-tekan pada wajah dan biarkan mengering
Basuh dengan air hangat
Khasiat: melembutkan dan menghaluskan kulit
Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:42 PM 1 comments
Natural Ways to Fight Varicose Veins
If you suffer from varicose veins you probably know that they are often inherited and can appear any time in a woman’s life. Varicose veins occur when a high volume of blood is stressing the veins. This can be caused by poor circulation, or times when the body is stressed. If a woman in your family suffers from varicose veins, you might at some point as well. Varicose veins are known to be more prevalent during times like pregnancy, and women that may never experience varicose veins hereditarily might battle with them if they have a child. Thankfully there are many natural ways to prevent and treat them. Try any of these tips to help increase circulation and battle against varicose veins.
Get Plenty of Exercise Like Brisk Walking or Swimming
Swimming and walking are both ideal circulatory system exercises, and helps your body maintain regularity. Walk or swim each day to keep the blood pumping the way it should be.
Apply witch Hazel on Painfully Swollen Veins
Saturate a cotton cloth with witch hazel to relieve the pain and swelling of varicose veins. Witch hazel can be purchased at any drug store, and its astringent qualities are what give it the anti-inflammatory effect.
Avoid Spicy Foods
Peppers, especially cayenne and black pepper can make varicose veins worse by making the veins that do not have enough circulation congested. Avoid all spicy foods while your veins are swollen.
Give Yourself a five-minute Leg Massage Each Day
Massaging the legs work well for increasing the blood flow and relieving varicose veins. Massage deep and hard into your legs, and work your way from the bottom up to relieve the pressure on the veins.
Drink Nettle or Parsley Tea
Nettle and parsley are both herbs known to benefit vein health. Drink one cup of either tea daily, or eat parsley in salads to benefit your veins.
Eat Foods that Benefit your Veins and Circulatory System
There are many foods that are full of vitamins and minerals known to benefit the veins and the entire body’s circulatory function. Eating onions, raw garlic and liquid lecithin each day is said to benefit elasticity in the veins. To benefit the entire circulatory system, eat foods like dark leafy greens, okra, oats and wheat germ.
Wear Support Stockings
Although they are not a replacement for exercise, support hose can help in situations where you are forced to stand or sit for a long period of time. Raise your legs high for several minutes before putting them on to increase circulation.
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Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:39 PM 0 comments
Sea the Difference? Benefits of Dead Sea Salts
Since biblical times, the Dead Sea has been famous for its miraculous healing qualities. As science is finding out, the theory that this specific body of water is special is much more than just folklore or hype. It appears that the unique qualities of the Dead Sea do translate into ingredients that are not only beneficial to the skin, but can provide healing for skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and acne. This knowledge has brought many people with a variety of ailments to the banks of the Dead Sea, where there are numerous spas and treatment centers set up to help people with any number of medical problems, or simply to soak in the positive benefits that the air and the water of the region can bring. However, if you can’t afford to take a trip to the Middle East to see this phenomenon for yourself, you can now bring the Dead Sea to you in the form of beauty products that you can purchase and use in the privacy of your own home.
Why the Dead Sea?
At approximately 400 meters below sea level, the Dead Sea is the lowest natural place on earth. This results in a dense air that can actually filter dangerous UV rays, making it an effective location to soak up the sun without a danger of sunburn. This is one reason why this area is so beneficial for psoriasis sufferers. The water of the Dead Sea has the highest concentration of salt within it, which is nearly ten times greater than the salt content that is found in ocean water. This is why no plant or animal can survive life in the Dead Sea, but also why the water has so many beneficial qualities for the skin. The composition of the water is also unique, because it contains calcium, magnesium and potassium, in addition to the salt found in other waters. These characteristics combine to make the Dead Sea almost magical in its ability to soothe and heal the skin and body. Studies have shown that while salt baths are generally beneficial for psoriasis sufferers, bathing with Dead Sea salts can be particularly beneficial. Positive results have also been seen with people who have skin conditions like eczema and acne.
Even if you don’t have a particular skin condition that you want to treat, Dead Sea salt products can exfoliate your skin, clean your pores, and help rid your skin of toxins. Some users find that these products are a natural and healthy way to reduce the look of wrinkles as well. If you would like to try out Dead Sea salt products on your own skin, you will not have to look as far as Israel for your beauty supplies. In fact, you may only have to travel as far as your local beauty supply outlet, or let your fingers do the walking on the Internet. You will be able to find products such as bath salts, scrubs, masks and body wraps. Take your body on a trip to the Dead Sea today, right from the comfort of your own bathroom, and enjoy the healing and therapeutic benefits that these salts can bring.
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Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Summer Pretty Feet
Are you ready for summer? Going to wear sandals or go barefoot? If so, don’t forget about your feet. Your feet work hard all day long and deserve some pampering. Check out our 10-step guide to get your feet pretty for summer.
Step 1:
Remove polish from toes using a non-acetone remover. Avoid acetone removers since they can dry out the nails and cuticles.
Step 2:
Using a pumice stone or foot file, slough off any rough spots or calluses you may have. Never cut at calluses or other troublesome foot problems such as bunions or corns. If these are a problem, make an appointment with a podiatrist (foot doctor). He or she can help you decide the best way to remove them. For really rough feet try an exfoliating foot scrub to soften them. If you prefer, you can make a mixture of olive oil and raw sugar, and apply to feet.
Step 3:
Soak feet for at least 10 minutes in a tub filled with warm soapy water or your favorite bath salts. You can also add a few drops of your favorite essential oil such as tea tree to the water for an added treat. Tea tree oil is also excellent for itchy dry feet.
Step 4:
Clean under nails using the pointed end of orange stick. While you’re at it, gently push back each cuticle using the slanted end of the orange stick. Never cut cuticles since it can lead to a serious infection.
Step 5:
Thoroughly rinse feet and pat dry with a soft towel.
Step 6:
Apply a moisturizing cream or foot lotion and massage into feet starting at the bottom and working your way to the top of the foot. Don’t forget in between your toes and your ankles.
Step 7:
Using nail clippers, trim toe nails straight across and then gently file the edges into a square shape with an emery board. A square shape will help avoid ingrown nail problems. Be sure to file in one direction only to avoid weakening the nails.
Step 8:
Apply a coat of clear base-coat polish and allow to dry. A base coat will prevent dark colors such as red, from yellowing nails.
Step 9:
Next, apply a coat or two of your favorite shade of polish. Allow to Dry.
Step 10:
Finally, apply a clear top-coat polish to help seal the color and give it extra shine. For added wear, extend the top-coat over and under the tip of the nail.
To keep feet pretty throughout the summer, pay a little extra attention to feet at least once a week while in the shower or bath using the steps above. After the shower or before bedtime, apply a thin layer of Vaseline to feet and slip into a pair of socks for extra softness.
If you’re feet are going to be exposed to the sun this summer, be sure to apply a sun block of at least a 15 to your feet. Happy Pampering!
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Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:36 PM 0 comments
All About Stretch Marks
stretch marks are scarring of the skin as the result of connective fibers breaking due to lost elasticity. They are the result of damage to the second layer of skin, called the dermis. They first appear as reddish or purplish lines. Gradually, they fade to a paler color and become less obvious.
Most people associate stretch marks with weight gain, pregnancy, and weightlifting. Puberty may also contribute to stretch marks as do breasts augmentations. Most commonly, stretch marks appear on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and breasts. For bodybuilders, they may also appear on the upper arm/shoulder area. They are primarily a cosmetic annoyance and rarely a health concern.
Preventing Stretch Marks
For adolescents and pregnant women, stretch marks may not be possible to prevent. Rapid weight gain and weight loss can contribute to stretch marks. As a result, rapid weight gain and intense dieting can cause stretch marks.
If you anticipate the possibility of stretch marks, for example due to pregnancy, you may try applying creams or oils with vitamin E, cocoa butter, and lavender. However, there is no guarantee that these will work.
Treating Stretch Marks
The best time to treat stretch marks is when they first appear. As they fade from reddish to pale, they become harder to treat. Some options for treating stretch marks are creams and laser treatments. Chemical peels have been used to treat stretch marks, but there is no evidence that these are effective.
If stretch marks on your body keep you up nights and a late-night infomercial on TV promises you a cream that will cure them after only a few weeks, don’t buy it. Most creams may soften your skin, but they won’t get rid of stretch marks.
However, some creams that a doctor can prescribe contain Trentinoin, which may help reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Before you use such creams, consult your doctor. If you are breast feeding, you cannot use Trentinoin.
Laser Treatments
Laser treatments are applied by a surgeon, who uses different types of lasers depending on the color of the stretch marks. One type of laser reduces color, while another treats faded stretch marks. Newer laser treatments stimulate the body into producing collagen to help restore the elasticity of the skin.
Even though treating stretch marks is difficult and sometimes ineffective, remember that almost everyone has them! Even your friend or coworker who you think has that perfect body probably hides a stretch mark or two. Maintain a healthy diet and sustain a healthy body weight to prevent new stretch marks from appearing.
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Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:34 PM 0 comments
Cellulite: Yours, Mine – Let’s Talk About It
How many times have you and your friends swapped stories of diets gone wrong and skinny jeans that just won’t fit? It’s second nature – we talk about our fat and our constant fight against it. It’s part of our make-up. But its’ not just you and your friends – it’s all of us. In fact, according to a new study co-authored by Denise Martz of Appalachian State University, it’s socially mandatory.
They call it “fat talk” and we start it in middle school. In fact the practice of fat talk is so socially ingrained that Martz points out that, “…both male and female college students know the norm of fat talk… females are supposed to say negative things about their bodies in a group of females engaging in fat talk.”
Martz and her colleagues showed 124 college students (both male and female) a scene where three women were engaged in fat talk. They then asked the test subjects to describe how they believed a fourth female would react and respond to the discussion in progress.
According to Martz, 40% of the males and 51% of the females predicted that the fourth female would join the conversation and degrade her own body right along with the rest of the women.
“Because women feel pressured to follow the fat talk norm, they are more likely to engage in fat talk with other females,” Martz said in one interview. “Hence, women normalize their own body dissatisfaction with one another.” She went on to hypothesize that “if there are women out there who feel neutrally or even positively about their bodies, I bet we never hear this from them for fear of social sanction and rejection.”
Researchers believe that the prevalence of fat talk is a coping mechanism for many. With more and more women finding themselves “Females like to support one another and fat talk elicits support,” Martz said. “An example would be one saying, ‘It`s like, I`m so fat today,’ and another would respond, ‘No, you are not fat, you look great in those pants.’”
With so many of us finding fault with ourselves, those who have a neutral – or even positive – outlook on their bodies are socially coerced to join in. No one likes a girl who’s full of herself and that’s what the practice of fat talk does – it sets up an unfair social norm where talking down about yourself is actually seen as being modest – something to aspire to.
According to Martz, “we tend to dislike arrogance and especially dislike it in women. Women are perceived as OK if they fat talk and acknowledge that their bodies are not perfect but they are working on it.”
Whether it’s right or not, it happens. We tear ourselves down when we’re together. So the next time you complain about your weight to your friends, take a moment and think of something good about yourself (even if you don’t say it out loud).
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Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:32 PM 0 comments
Long gone are the days of using bar soap to clean every inch of our skin. Body washes, cleansers, shampoos, and scrubs hit the market several years ago and are now available in every type and fragrance imaginable. But, before hitting the shower or bath with just any old product, it’s a good idea to learn as much as you can.
Body Washes
Body washes, also known as body shampoos and body cleansers, are aptly named, as they are essentially detergents for the body. These solutions are good for any skin type and are much better than bar soaps, which can be irritating to the skin. Body washes are just as effective, but are much less drying, because they actually have moisturizing properties. In fact, most body washes contain oils that stay on your skin, providing an emollient benefit. Other ingredients, such as vitamins, amino acids, and proteins may also be incorporated into these cleansers. Though these ingredients often get washed down the drain before they have a chance to work on your skin, they don’t hurt. However, many people do not like the moisturizing film that these products leave behind. If you are one of those people, you can use a regular body wash and follow-up with a gentle moisturizer.
Body Scrubs
Exfoliating the skin on your body unclogs pores, helps the skin to absorb moisture, and removes dead skin cells, allowing healthier skin cells to emerge. When exfoliating your skin, you can use various methods, such as loofahs and specially formulated AHA or BHA products. Before using loofahs, however, you should be aware of the dangers they pose. Because they hang in the shower or bath without being cleaned, they provide the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Scrubbing a blemish or another skin injury with a loofah could be dangerous to your health. To avoid loofahs, you can use a clean, soft washcloth and a body scrub. Washcloths are gentle and can be washed after every use. There are also many different body scrubs on the market to choose from. Most contain oils and other water-binding agents to help moisture the skin while removing dead cells. When choosing a body scrub, look for these ingredients. Most importantly, be gentle while you are exfoliating. Though the skin on the body is can handle an occasional scouring, you can damage your skin by being too rough.
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Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Take Care of Your Oily Skin With Your Own Homemade Recipes!
oily skin can be really frustrating. While Oily skin definitely has more benefits than dry skin, it is still quite difficult to balance. Luckily, there are various products out there designed to help with oily skin. There are also homemade beauty recipes that you can easily create yourself.
The Best Homemade Recipes to Treat Oily Skin
Homemade beauty recipes are definitely worth trying out. They are all natural, you know exactly what is in them and better yet - you can save a lot of money by preparing your own skincare products. Here are a few of the best oily skin homemade recipes that you should find really helpful:
Oily Skin Strawberry and Lemon Face Mask
Strawberries and lemons are natural astringents and they really do help with oily skin. You will need:
1) 1 tablespoon of lemon juice,
2) 2 Tablespoons of Honey
3) 2 Egg whites
4) 4 drops of Eucalyptus or Jojoba oil
5) 1 cup of Strawberries, mashed
Simply blend all of the ingredients together and apply onto the face for about ten minutes. The recipe above will suffice for two applications. It is important to prepare the mask prior to each usage to ensure freshness and effectiveness. This mask does not contain any preservatives and thus, has a very short shelf-life.
Plain Yoghurt
Plain yoghurt has several skin-benefiting uses-- it can be used as a moisturiser, a face mask or even as a cleanser to help balance oily skin. Apply plain yoghurt onto your problematic oily skin areas, leave it on for twenty minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. For best results, repeat this process daily.
Tea Tree Oil and Sea Salt
A great way to balance out oily skin is by using Tea Tree oil, which has natural and soothing properties. Tea Tree oil freshens the skin without leaving it dry. All you need for this recipe is some coarse sea salt and around ten drops of Tea Tree oil.
Mix both ingredients, rub the mixture onto your face in circular motions and wash it off. The salt exfoliates the skin, while the Tea Tree oil clears the skin and dries up the oily areas.
Overall, the above recipes are inexpensive and effective. You should notice results after a week or two but sometimes results may take a few months to be completely noticeable!
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Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:25 PM 0 comments
Homemade Skin Care
While there are plenty of options in facial cleansers lining the shelves of your local beauty supply store, instead of hitting the mall for your next cleansing product, why not head into your kitchen? With a few key ingredients that you might already have lurking in the far corners of your pantry, you might be able to whip up something delicious for your face. There are recipes for homemade facial cleansers that will work for any skin type, so what are you waiting for? It’s time to get cooking with some recipes that your skin is sure to love!
Oily Skin Facial Cleansers
Lemon juice is one of the best ingredients for a cleanser for oily skin. You can mix lemon juice with an exfoliating ingredient like oats or skim milk powder, or a creamy substance like yogurt for a more soothing type of cleaning. You can also make some great toners using lemon juice and other natural ingredients, like strawberries, geranium essential oil or lavender. Kiwi is another good fruit to use for a facial cleanser for oily skin, and can be a great way to use up left over fruit! If you find yourself battling the occasional breakout, you can combine ¼ tsp. of apple cider vinegar with a drop or two of tea tree essential oil. Apply this directly to your pimple at night, and by morning, you may see a visible reduction in the area.
Natural Ways to Soothe Dry Skin
There are just as many great, natural ingredients to soothe and soften dry skin as there are for cleaning and clearing oily complexions. Yogurt is a great ingredient to try for a natural skin cleanser, as is honey and mashed bananas. Another fruit that will do wonders for dry skin is peaches, and they will make your skin smell delicious as well. Another effective natural ingredient to use on your dry skin is egg. Try combining an egg with a tablespoon of olive oil and a bit of fresh lemon juice. Another choice ingredient to add to your recipes for dry skin cleansers includes aloe Vera gel, since its healing qualities are well known and far reaching.
Sensitive Skin Care
Natural skin cleanser recipes can be particularly effective on sensitive skin, since many of the fragrances and dyes in commercial products can be especially irritating to this skin type. One of the easiest cleansers to make for sensitive skin involves oatmeal and yogurt that is combined to make a paste. Apply this mixture to your face and then rinse. Other good ingredients for sensitive skin include a combination of ground oats and almonds, green tea and whipping cream. Mix ingredients together and add a drop or two of dry rose essential oil. This natural cleanser will soothe your skin and smell wonderful.
Great skin care may only be as far as your pantry and refrigerator. Whip up some all natural skin cleansers today, and watch your skin enjoy the results!
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Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:22 PM 0 comments
Makeup Tips for the Pale Beauty
Having a fair complexion can be difficult to deal with. Pale/fair/porcelain skin doesn’t have the ability to use just any color or shade when it comes to makeup. But just because your skin is on the paler side doesn’t mean you have to settle for looking like a ghost. With smart makeup tips, there is a way to make your complexion work for you and allow you to shine with the best of them. Knowing what colors work for your face and how to apply them is the best way to bring out a pale complexion.
Don’t be afraid to use foundation. Visit a makeup counter and get different shades tested out on your skin so you get the perfect match. For a flawless finish, build up your foundation color in layers and blend with a brush. This will give you a softer and more natural look that will add some color to your face without it looking like a mask. Translucent colors with reddish undertones serve pale skin well.
To add more color you can use a bronzer or blush. If you feel you are too pale, try a cream blush in a pink shade - but not too pink. This will give you a naturally rosy glow. If you’re going to use bronzer, use a light touch by sweeping it across your forehead, cheeks and the bridge of your nose. Remember when using a bronzer, don’t choose a color that is too bronze or you’ll end up looking unnaturally tanned compared to the rest of your body. Be wary of too much shine or glitter if you really want a natural look. Tinted moisturizers are an excellent option if you aren’t a fan of foundation.
Playing up your features using makeup can enhance your natural beauty and draw attention away from your pale skin. Mascara and lip color are two of the best ways to make your complexion work for you. Black mascara can tend to look too dramatic on fair skin so opt for brown mascara for a lighter touch. When it comes to eye shadow, choose shades that complement your eye color to better enhance this feature. Red lips tend to work really well for fair skinned gals but if that color is a little too much for you, then try a softer shade of red or pink with added gloss so your pout stands out. In this case, shimmer can be your friend. A striking eye color palette and shimmering lips against fair skin always makes for a stunning transformation that can be pulled off without much effort.
You never want to appear overdone when it comes to the makeup you use so play around with colors and shades and make your pale complexion work in harmony with your makeup, not against it.
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Posted by Ayu Chan at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Masker Madu dan Lemon Untuk Kulit Berminyak
here the combination between honey and lemon for you
Campurkan 1 sendok teh madu dengan sedikit air lemon dan dua butir putih telur ayam kampung. Aduk rata.
Oleskan pada wajah dan leher. Biarkan kering
Basuh dengan air hangat
Khasiat: membersihkan dan melembutkan kulit
Posted by Ayu Chan at 3:24 AM 0 comments
Masker Madu untuk semua Jenis Kulit
madu sangat berkhasiat untuk wajah lho..
Hangatkan 4 sdm madu murni sehingga menjadi kental
Oleskan segera pada wajah dan leher, biarkan mengering
Bersihkan dengan air hangat
Posted by Ayu Chan at 3:23 AM 0 comments
dry skin treatment for your face
Lumatkan satu buah alpukat dengan satu sendok makan madu murni, aduk rata.
Oleskan merata pada wajah, diamkan kurang lebih 20 menit.
Bersihkan dengan air hangat.
Khasiat: melembutkan, mengencangkan dan melembabkan kulit.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 3:20 AM 0 comments
Jamu penghalus kulit
Untuk mendapatkan kulit yang halus dan lembut, bukan saja dengan melakukan perawatan luar, melainkan juga harus dari dalam. Antara lain dengan minum jamu, atau ramuan tradisional lainnya, bahkan juga vitamin. Berikut resep untuk perawatan badan dari dalam.
Ambil 2 ruas jari kunyit, kupas dan parut. Tambahkan pada parutan kunyit ½ cangkir air hangat, lalu saring. Masukkan 1 butir kuning telur ayam kampung. Tambahkan 1 sendok makan madu murni. Aduk sampai tercampur rata. Minumlah ramuan ini 3-5 hari sekali. Selain untuk menghaluskan kulit, jamu ini juga berkhasiat untuk mencegah timbulnya jerawat dan menambah stamina kita.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 3:19 AM 1 comments
cara membuat lulur alami
mo luluran kok beli? mending bikin sendiri lebih alami lho...
2 helai daun pandan wangi
1 genggam daun kemuning
3 kuntum bunga kenanga
3 jari rimpang temu giring
1 jari rimpang kunyit
1 kulit jeruk purut
100 g tepung beras
Temu giring berkhasiat menghaluskan dan membersihkan kulit, sedangkan bunga kenanga, daun pandan dan kemuning dan kulit jeruk purut memberi aroma wangi pada ramuan ini.
Cara Membuat:
Cuci bersih semua bahan lalu tumbuk hingga halus. Setelah itu campurkan ramuan tsb. Dengan tepung beras. Lalu gosokkan hingga merata ke seluruh tubuh yang sudah dibersihkan. Diamkan hingga kering, setelah itu, bilas dengan air hangat, lulur ini dapat dilakukan setiap hari.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 3:16 AM 0 comments
mengatasi kulit kering dengan aloe vera
Ambil tanaman lidah buaya, belah lalu ambil dagingnya yang berlendir, oleskan keseluruh tangan, kaki dan badan. Tunggu setengah kering lalu siram dengan air dingin. Lidah buaya ini bisa menjadikan kulit kita lembab, tidak kering, dan halus mulus.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 3:15 AM 0 comments
Membuat bedak mangir
Perawatan kulit badan agar menjadi halus mulus juga bisa menggunakan ramuan tradisional yang lain yaitu bedak mangir. Adapun bahan-bahan bedak mangir (bedak lulur) adalah:
Tepung beras : ¼ liter
Tepung pati bengkoang : 2 ons
Kayu manis : ¼ ons
Kayu mesoyi : ¼ ons
Klebet : 1 sendok teh
Kencur : ¼ ons
Adas : 1 sendok the
Tepung temugiring : ¼ ons
Cara Membuatnya:
1.Cara membuatnya: beras direndam selama 12 jam, kemudian disaring dan disiram dengan air yang bersih supaya baunya hilang. Kemudian beras ditumbuk lalu diayak agar menjadi tepung.
2.bahan 1 dan 2 dicampur menjadi Satu
3.bahan nomor 3, 4 dan 5 digoreng sampai menjadi kuning kehitam-hitaman (menjadi masak)
4.bahan nomor 6 dikupas, diiris tipis-tipis dan dicuci terus dijemur sampai kering
5.lalu bahan2 tadi digiling agar menjadi tepung ramuan, kemudian diayak diambil yang paling bagus.
this skin care taken from various resources
Posted by Ayu Chan at 3:13 AM 0 comments
ramuan lulur ketan hitam
Sediakan ¼ ketan hitam, kemiri 5 buah. Cara pembuatannya: ketan direndam semalaman, lalu tiriskan setelah kering lalu disangrai sampai benar2 matang (hitam pekat), setelah itu blender dengan kemiri. Gunakan lulur ramuan ini sebagai lulur 1 minggu sekali. Khasiat ramuan ini adalah dapat membuat kulit halus, kenyal dan cerah.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 3:13 AM 0 comments
kompilasi ketimun, tomat dan kentang untuk kulit
Buah ketimun, tomat dan kentang juga bisa menghaluskan kulit kita, jika rutin melakukannya, cara penggunaannya: buah dilumatkan atau dihaluskan lalu dioleskan seluruh tubuh terutama tangan dan kaki, tunggu kira-kira 20 menit, setelah kering langsung bilas dengan air dingin.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 3:10 AM 0 comments
ramuan susu plus jeruk nipis
Sediakan susu murni 1-2 liter, dan 2 buah jeruk nipis (peras dan ambil airnya). Campur kedua bahan tersebut, diamkan kira2 10 menit setelah itu usapkan pada wajah dan keseluruh badan (taruh dalam bak mandi untuk berendam), tunggu sampai kering, setelah itu bilas dengan air hangat dan terakhir air dingin. Khasiatnya adalah selain membuat kulit menjadi putih bersih juga menghaluskan kulit kita.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 3:10 AM 0 comments
khasiat apel untuk kulit
Seringlah mengkonsumsi buah apel, karena berkhasiat menghaluskan kulit dan menjadikan kulit bersih licin.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 3:09 AM 0 comments
kulit halus dengan jeruk nipis
Ambil satu atau dua buah jeruk nipis, belah lalu oleskan keseluruh tubuh, setelah kering lalu bilas dengan air bersih. Lakukan kegiatan ini seminggu dua kali. Selain menghaluskan kulit, jeruk nipis juga bisa membuat kulit kita jadi cerah dan licin.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 3:07 AM 0 comments
Tubuh kita adalah anugerah dari Tuhan YME, selayaknya kita jaga dan rawat dengan baik, sehingga tidak menyianyiakan anugerah yang ada, seperti kulit muka, badanpun juga perlu kita perhatikan, karena kehalusan kulit kita secara tidak langsung akan mempengaruhi rasa percaya diri kita dalam berinteraksi dengan orang lain. Banyak orang hanya memperhatikan perawatan kulit mukanya saja, dan menghiraukan kulit badan sendiri. Untuk membantu merawat kulit badan, disini akan dipaparkan beberapa cara yang bisa dilakukan sendiri, tanpa harus pergi ke salon-salon dan mengeluarkan budget yang mahal. Merawat kulit jika ingin benar-benar menghasilkan yang terbaik adalah dengan rutin melakukan perawatan, dan jangan cepat berputus asa jika belum berhasil. Adapun cara-caranya diantaranya adalah:
Cara merawat kulit badan, disamping dengan pemakaian hand body lotion setiap hari secara teratur, karena manfaatnya dapat menjaga kehalusan serta kelembaban kulit kita, tetapi selain itu kita juga dapat melakukan perawatan secara tradisional, yaitu diantaranya:
1 Buah alpukat dilumatkan
2 sendok makan madu murni
1 sendok makan minyak zaitun
Ketiga bahan tersebut dicampur lalu dioleskan keseluruh badan dan tunggu hingga agak kering, lalu dibersihkan, lakukan pekerjaan ini seminggu sekali.
Posted by Ayu Chan at 3:04 AM 0 comments